Archives for October 2010

31 Days To Savor ~ Working Together

Yes, to say our lives are filled to the brim would not be an understatement.  It's layered with kids, husbands, homework and homeschooling, sports, travel, pets and business.  But somehow when we started this blog with our husbands cheering us on we knew we would fit it all in. Because it's important to us to have something creative and engaging. It's important to us to share a table together and to gather with you! You could say we cut our work in half~but really the two of us just created … [Read more...]

31 Days To Savor ~ Awesome Earrings

We think Savoring A Beautiful Life can be as simple as donning a pair or amazing earrings. The simplest outfit can be taken to another level with the right baubles.  We always knew that.  But, a while ago after we did our original earring post, Fancy Friday Earrings we knew that fact rang true.  One of our readers even commented: "I am yet intimidated by my jewelry box. Up to now, I am the type that has a comfy set of diamond earrings that never–okay occasionally–leave my ears. One day I’ll comprehend the full power … [Read more...]

Fancy Friday ~ Costumes

How Rude! How dangerous! How disturbing! How frightening! How purr-fect is your Halloween going to be? Grab our Fancy Friday badge here and add your posts below! … [Read more...]

31 Days of Savoring ~ Good Advice

"It's not how you start or where you start from ~ it's how you finish!" ~Advice from my friend, Frances. Honest advice can set us out in the right direction. Sound advice can help us see if we are on a good path. Good advice can help you decide if you are making the right choices. The right advice can help us see who we want to be. The right advice can turn you in a new direction. The right advice helps us stand firm and grow. Have you been given or do you have some good advice … [Read more...]

31 Days To Savor ~ Aprons! + Apron GiveAway!

Recently, a dear friend of mine sent me this colorful and whimsical apron!!  It is now the inspiration piece to our next 31 Days To Savor A Beautiful Life subject ~ Aprons!! This is an apron I received from a neighbor-lady from my childhood at my wedding shower.  I have used it for years.  It is hand made!!  I love the big pockets...which are a handy spot to drop a lego, a hair-clip, pen or pencil or just any odd bit that is out of place as I scurry through my house picking up.  This is my cleaning-up-the-house … [Read more...]

31 Days To Savor ~ Better Dish Soap

Wanna put a little whistle in your work?  Then this is my 31 Days To Savoring A Beautiful Life tip number 27:  Upgrade your dish soap! Lately I've chosen Mrs. Meyer's Basil scent.  My local grocery store sells it.  It's a tad more than other commercial brands, but it makes me happy~dare I say cheerful about my scrubbing! Scrubbing goes by quicker with happy-soap...and a cheerful tune! What's your trick for getting your work done and savoring the moments you're working? … [Read more...]

31 Days to Savor~Handwritten Note

Life is so busy.  The tools around us help us flow quickly with the, airplanes, computers and even twitter.  We communicate quickly and in real time.  It's a gift.  We are even able to touch base with people who we wouldn't normally through facebook. With all of our quick communication and busy life, I kinda miss the art of the handwritten note.  Recently, we received a handwritten note from Queen of the House of Boys. She was thanking us for a wonderful time at the BlogLove European Marketplace event.  She's our … [Read more...]

31 Days to Savor~New Spices

When was the last time you bought new spices for your pantry?  Do your spice jars look like this? When then look like this, they have very little flavor.  Throw them out!  To fully savor your spices' potential, look for new spices that look like this! … [Read more...]

31 Days To Savor ~ Peach Cake Recipe

Some weeks ago I was bobbing and surfing the Twitter-feeds and the websites connected to them when I came across this recipe from A Farm Girl's Dabbles.  It caught my eye and wooed my taste buds.  And, it didn't hurt that I had beautiful peaches ripening nicely on my counter. The thing was it was late in the afternoon.  The kids were home from school already.  I really should have been starting dinner instead of this cake.  But, I couldn't resist.  Soon, the smell of baked sugar and peaches filled the air.  Dinner approached.  … [Read more...]

31 Days To Savor ~ Laughter

Hey!! See the light bulb going on?  Here is another good idea for our 31 Days of Savoring A Beautiful Life series. Need a break?  Grab some friends and go on an adventure for a day!  That's what I did with my two friends Mela and Kristen.  Did we get our laundry, blogging, house-cleaning and errands done?  Nope.  But we had a great day clowning around! Sometimes it's hard to balance all of life's to-do-s ! Some times it is hard to find the forest through the trees!  But, try to at least find your … [Read more...]