Archives for November 2011

Homemade Baked Potato Soup Recipe

It's getting chilly here and when the temperature drops, it doesn't take long for my hankerin' for soup to take over. This week, as I rummaged my pantry and shelves to see what yummy pot of soup I could make, I found the makings for Homemade  Baked Potato Soup.  I googled recipes, but decided on venturing out on my own. I started to make the soup, and the phone began to ring.  Before I knew it, I had an extra 4 kids under 10 and an extra teenager, staying for dinner.  I'm so glad I had decided on using my big pot! Baked … [Read more...]

Fancy Friday ~ Thanksgiving Menu

Thanksgiving Feast is a favorite meal at our table. Every year, my husband and I sit down and plan out our menu.  There are certain dishes that are always featured, like roasted root vegetables, but there are inevitably new additions to the menu. I remember as a kid the retro Thanksgiving menu my grandmother laid out.  I think I might add Ambrosia salad on this year just for kicks.  But, maybe I'll use a modern twist on this dish. Our turkey glaze and preparation changes year to year. One year, Devon smoked the turkey on … [Read more...]

Wild Ruffle Pop Up Shop ~ LoveFeast Shop

Over the weekend we participate in our very first Pop Up Shop ~ hosted by Cate from the Wild Ruffle fashion blog.  During the Wild Ruffle Pop Up Shop we had YET ANOTHER Plush Pumpkin Giveaway ~ What can we say?  We feel generous about sharing the Pumpkin love!  We have a winner for that latest giveaway and it's - Penelope! Yay! We think think she will enjoy finding a place for them on her table! Cate did a great job getting the word out for the Wild Ruffle Pop Up Shop.  It was a great opportunity to meet readers of LoveFeast … [Read more...]

Being a Guest in My Own Home

Last week, we had our friends Mike and Terrill stay with us as our guests.  We got ready for them by cleaning their "suite" and primping small gifts.  We wanted them to feel comfortable and welcomed.  Even though they were here for work, we wanted them to feel like they could be here on their off hours and relax.  Unfortunately, we had a weekend that was off the hook for us personally.  I would love to go into detail and share with you all, but honestly I'm so emotionally spent from it all, I don't want to expend any more energy … [Read more...]

Vote! Vote!

The Mobbies is a fun competition going on in the Maryland blogging world right now.  It is an annual competition for "best of" blogs in Maryland.  We've been nominated in three categories: The Best Food Blog, The Best Lifestyle Blog and The Best Looking (design) Blog.  The voting is going on right now through November 10 at 5p.m.  You can cast a vote each day in each category.  Would you mind taking the time today to cast a vote...and tomorrow...and the day after that...and...yes, we're a bit competitive!  We'll try an not … [Read more...]

Gratefulness Leads to Another Giveaway

We are a bit giddy around here! You see, we're coming into a season of gratefulness.  And we are counting our many blessings over this past year.  We are grateful for husbands who support us, kids who adore us (most days), a new look for our table, our friendship and for you!  We are so thankful for your support and friendships.  We are amazed at all the wonderful people we are meeting around the "virtual" table and the outpouring of thankfulness that came out of our last LoveFeast Plush Pumpkin giveaway, that well...we decided … [Read more...]

Fancy Friday~Pie

“Pie is a symbol of something bigger than Mom and her way with desserts.” ~ Pasquale Le Draqulec   “There are pies on a carousel, have a slice.” ~ Cake (the band)     “Good apple pies are a considerable part of our domestic happiness” ~Jane Austen   “One little thing can revive a guy/ and that is a homemade rhubarb pie/ Serve it up nice and hot/ maybe things aren’t as bad as you thought.” ~ A Prairie Home Companion   “What kind of Thanksgiving dinner is this? Where’s the … [Read more...]

Apple Cake With Caramel Sauce

It is possible that you like I have more than a few extra apples rolling around the house right now.  This is one of our favorites this time of year.  Kristin got this recipe called Caramel Apple Cake recipe originally from our friend Amanda before she moved to Africa.  (You can see our LoveFeast style going away party for Amanda and her family here.) The last time I made this cake was a couple of years ago.  Kristin and Devon had rolled in for a long long drive from Maryland to Minnesota.  It was around 10:30pm or so.  I … [Read more...]