Archives for November 2012

Hostess Gift Inspiration – Early Holiday Sale

I can remember one dinner party in particular where Kristin and her husband Devon served a lovely fish dinner.  About 4 couples sat at 8 chairs around the vintage door tables that I loved.  The rubbed worn paint finish under the plate of salmon in the soft candlelight is a memory I still remember.  Everything was soft.  The dim lighting and the happy conversation of friends happy to be gathered at the table.  At each placesetting was a terracotta pot with fresh herbs.  The table was simple and elegant.  At the end of the evening … [Read more...]

No Heat Curls

We have a good friend, Nish. She blogs over at Nish Happens. Nish is a down to earth, white water rafting, storytelling kinda girl. She's the one you want around your campfire at night. Recently she wrote a post, Four Beauty Tips for Women Who Don't Give a Crap. I love Nish and her ability to cut to the point and get down to business. I had spent time with Nish on a girls weekend retreat last month and I have to be honest, had hair envy. She had long, shiny, chestnut hair with just the right amount of laid back curl. I've … [Read more...]

Unique Gift Ideas for Boys & Ratatouille Recipe

With 5 kids, 4 of whom are boys, we are constantly looking for unique gift ideas. We really don't need any more legos...wooden trains...nerf guns...or video games. Over the years we've learned that giving them an experience as a gift, has far reaching effects that broaden their vocabularies and their appreciation for culture. One year, when Baker Boy was 9, we gave him a cooking class at Sur la Table as a birthday gift. He made Ratatouille. Because of that class, my son fell in love with Ratatouille and more in love with being … [Read more...]

An Cuan~Ireland Decor

I just got back last week from a week in Ireland. My husband and I took two of our teenagers, Baker Boy and Zap with us. We went to Rostrevor, Ireland to help friends of ours start the process of opening a cafe. Ever since we closed the doors on Jahva House almost 10 years ago, we have dreamed of helping others open their own coffee shops. Needless to say, we were thrilled to have this opportunity to envision, brainstorm, create a business plan, design floor plans and decor, and share great meals and good pints with … [Read more...]

How To Create Handmade Painted Bobby Pins

Back in the day when Kristin and I were raising our little people, I was know for whipping up craft projects for my kids.  I was a former middle school art teacher and I always had plenty of feathers, glitter, gem stones, glue and construction paper around.  There were afternoons Kristin would come over with her kids in tow, to find me and my kids at the kitchen table with a confetti burst of collage materials covering the floor all around us.  "How are you going to get this cleaned up!?" she'd gasp!  We have many a story about … [Read more...]