Menus – LoveFeast Table We invite you to our table or we'll meet you at yours... Thu, 25 Aug 2016 19:53:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Feast ~ Best of 2013 Tue, 31 Dec 2013 16:53:06 +0000

In FEAST you will all things related to feasting.  You will find inspiration for parties, tablescaping, baking and creating a atmosphere for entertaining.

You can bet that we celebrated with food this year whether gathering friends on the deck for grilling, hosting a wedding party or a group of blogging friends.  Time around the table is one of our favorite things.

White Cupcakes Recipe

Winter Whiteout Cupcakes For  A Wedding

Radish Appetizer

Farm Fresh Baby Radish Appetizer 


Hearty Guinness Beef Stew


Homemade Pasta Recipe

Mojito Recipe

Moss Mojitos Recipe

Grilled Sweet Potatoes

Feast Best Of 2012

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LoveFeast Weekend Celebrating Around The Table Wed, 09 Jan 2013 17:49:10 +0000

Remember way back before Christmas?  Kristin and her husband came to Minnesota for our end of year business meeting.  Besides a bit of work and some meetings, we were celebrating.  We finished out the year strong!  We met our goals for 2012 here at our blog, LoveFeast Table and at our online boutique, LoveFeast Shop!

Almost any time we have together tends to be celebrated around the table.  Looking back on our stream from Instagram.  You can see as we celebrated we nibbled around town and at our own table.  Here’s a bit of our LoveFeast Weekend December 2012.  Kristin and Devon flew in late.  My husband, Todd was flying in at the same time, so they just drove home together. While they were on their way, I prepare a little treat to greet them with.

We ate dinner at the Nordic cuisine inspired restaurant,  The Bachelor Farmer in Minneapolis.

We met up with some of our Minnesota blogger friends {Kelli ~ Love Well – Allison ~ O My Family} at Icehouse.  We hadn’t seen them since our amazing sisterhood weekend in the woods last September.

And, we made a feast at home.

Or should I say, our husbands did.  We lit candles,

made a table runner {DIY Tutorial coming soon!}, and did our New Year’s Greeting Vlog while they worked their magic in the kitchen.

This. Was. Divine.  Butternut Squash Soup with bits of caramelized shallots, candied & spicy bacon and heaven.

Spinach salad with Pear & Pomegranate Vinaigrette, red onions and juicy pomegranate seeds.

It was beautiful and delicious.  Pan Seared Lamb Lollipops slathered with Black Berry Thyme Relish on a bed of Bacon Risotto served with Todd’s famous roasted Brussel Sprouts.

This is why the four of us make a good team.   Creating both the decoration for the setting and the flavors for a feast is something we’ve been doing for a long time together.  We all fall into our place.  We savor every moment.  We made memories again together.

Wondering how we met?  Check out the beginning of our Friendship Story HERE and HERE.

Thanks for joining us at the table ~ if you’d like we’d love to have you follow us on Instagram to catch our random moments of inspiration on Facebook for the conversation ~ or join our Newsletter to receive promotions from LoveFeast Shop!

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Dinner Idea For Holiday Leftovers Mon, 26 Nov 2012 15:31:23 +0000

My family has celebrated Thanksgiving twice this week.  We’ve shared a feast with friends and we’ve shared a feast with our family.  Traditionally both Kristin’s husband, Devon and my husband, Todd cook the turkey dinners in both of our homes.  Most Thanksgivings they consult eachother over the phone about what brine concoction to soak the turkey in or what type of booze they are adding to the gravy.  This year Kristin’s husband outdid himself with a beautiful bird.  In case you missed it, you can see the menu including their Roasted Turkey with Cherry Orange Glaze HERE.

My husband, Todd went full-out Minnesotan traditional – butter basted turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes with marshmallows on top,  corn custard, green beans sauteed with almonds, and in our family the famous three ingredient ,Yifta.

In our family, you Hafta’ Have Yifta, or no holiday meal would not be complete.  You can get the recipe for Yifta HERE – but make sure you read the comments for the corrections!)

We also had  pumpkin pie and pecan pie all from scratch.

Today after Kristin and I chatted over Skype we compared notes.  To break up the “Turkey Diet” both of our hubs had put Salmon on the menu.  And, one night our family did a easy favorite, pan-fried pork chops.  After days of turkey sandwiches, pork chops go great with many traditional Thanksgiving side dishes.

Lay the salt and peppered pork chops in the frying pan with a bit of butter and olive oil.  Fry over medium heat.

Begin to brown on both sides and add the secret ingredient, Sage.

When the pork chops are done, put aside and add some sliced Granny Smith apples to the juices with a little butter and saute.

Voila!  Pork chops, with leftover green beans and sweet potatoes.  Perfect change of pace and quick too!

Easy-peasy!  I recommend this meal for an easy and yummy diversion from the Turkey Day!

Do you have a recipe or meal that you make to stretch the holiday leftovers?  Share your ideas or links to a post in the comments!

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Thanksgiving 2012 Menu Wed, 21 Nov 2012 21:58:26 +0000

Every time we share a meal together, Chris Ann and I write the menu on our chalkboards. She writes hers on the chalkboard I gave her before our family left the country. It use to hang over the counter at our coffee shop, Jahva House. I love that it hangs in her house. I love that a piece that represented an important era in our friendship journey, falls on her eyes every day. It hangs in the center of her home where her kids sometimes put up their own messages.

But, the culture of writing a menu on the chalkboard was one that I have always loved. We have written Christmas Party menus, Dinner Feast menus, Birthday menus and even simple luncheon menus on chalkboards throughout the years. I had Devon create one for me, out of an old vintage frame that now hangs in my dining room.

Sometimes it holds sayings that are meant to inspired or messages to my family. But, this week, it holds our Thanksgiving Menu for 2012.

Whats on your Thanksgiving Menu this year?

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60th Birthday Celebration Thu, 01 Sep 2011 14:05:18 +0000

Over the past few years, my mom has requested a homemade, gourmet meal for her birthday.  This year was no different.  But, this year was a new milestone for her, she turned 60.  Yes, she’s young especially for a Mom-Mom with 10 grand kids!  She started having kids when she was young.  I’m her oldest and she was 20 when she had me.  Yes, you did the math very quickly…this will be a milestone year for me as well.

She always gives us carte blanche to create whatever menu we choose, as long as there is some sort of fish on the menu.  This year, I have to say, turned out to be one of those magical menus where every dish we (Devon and I) prepared, sang.

60th Birthday Menu

We have a habit at our table to put the menu for the evening, on the vintage chalkboard that hangs in our dining room…it’s kind of a tradition that started years ago.

I love the moment when our guests gather, with a glass of wine in hand and surround the chalkboard to see what special treat is in store for them that night.  The chalkboard menu is a little extra detail that lets our guests know we value them and we’ve put a lot of thought and love into their meal.  This night was no exception.  Happy Birthday Mom!

60th Birthday Menu

p.s. Don’t worry. We will be sharing these original recipes with you over the next couple of weeks.

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Terrain at Styers Sun, 05 Jun 2011 15:54:13 +0000

Terraine at Styers

Somewhere a couple of years ago, I read that the founders of Anthropologie and Urban Outfitters had opened a garden store, Terrain at Styers,  somewhere near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  So, when my husband and I went to Philly for the weekend, I put Terrain on my list of “must dos”.

Terraine at Styers

Within minutes of pulling into the parking lot, my heart began to beat just a little faster.

Anthropologie-meets-my-garden, plus my husband, was all I would need for a wonderful afternoon date.  It was beginning to sprinkle and storm clouds were rolling in, but that didn’t deter us.  As soon as we entered into the antique, wooden, barn like structure and laid our eyes on the outdoor furniture selection, we knew we were going to have fun!  (Yes, my husband is a sucker for Anthropologie too.  It makes his wife happy, which makes him happy.  You know the drill.)  We spent a couple of hours taking in the inspiration of succulents hanging in spheres, dangling from trees and tin lanterns speckling the wall with light.

Terraine at Styers

Terraine at Styers Terraine at Styers

After browsing, we headed to the cafe.  It was situated in the back of the building in a greenhouse.  The menus were jotted down on rolls of brown paper,

Terraine at Styers

living walls separated the dining room from the kitchen

Terraine at Styers

and we immediately noticed the mix matched plates and silverware.  (We have often brainstormed a restaurant just like this one.)

We were there in between lunch and dinner, so we were presented with a lite fare menu.

Terraine at Styers April 11 268

Devon ordered the goat cheese, wild mushroom tart and I ordered these Indian spiced quinoa cakes.

Terraine at Styers Terraine at Styers

This was the perfect mid afternoon snack.  We lingered and talked, then a storm rolled in.  It was amazing to sit there witness nature doing it’s thing.  A huge crack of lightening struck the grounds and even knocked out some of the power.  But, that didn’t deter Terrain or the staff from continuing to offer inspiration and hospitality.  Terrain’s Cafe was casual and seemed to fit the natural rhythm of life.

Terraine at Styers

Every corner of Terrain was a source of new ideas and creativity.  They offer container gardening classes, special outdoor brunches and all the supplies you need to make your own miniature garden.

Terraine at Styers Terraine at Styers

Terraine at Styers

There are stacks of cookbooks, beautiful fabrics and even jewelry.

Terraine at Styers Terraine at Styers

This is what I took home.  It’s a potted oregano plant.  Since being to Terrain at Styers, I see even my herbs in a new light.

Terraine at Styers


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LoveFeast for 16 Year Old Boys Thu, 09 Sep 2010 12:17:48 +0000


My oldest son turned 16 this summer, on the 16th…which made it his Golden Birthday!  We call him Drama Boy because he has been acting for years.  I remember when he was 3 and would perform all of Godspell on his top bunk when “no one” was looking.

We wanted to do something special, so we suggested a multi course dinner for him and his friends.  Drama Boy has been raised in a foodie home, so he quickly saw the value in this idea! Devon and I planned a surprise menu developed with Asian influence in mind (Drama Boy loves sushi!)  We decided to host the dinner outside by tiki torch.  We planned and schemed!  Devon went and bought a large assortment of fireworks, including a special Golden Firework with 16 shots! But, with all the preparation, we could not begin to prepare for how the evening would roll out!



The night came and we had 9 sixteen year old boys.  Some were Drama Boy’s childhood friends and some were new friends from his all Arts high school.  Some of the boys lived in the inner city of Baltimore and other boys played lacrosse and soccer in upper income suburban neighborhoods.


Chris Ann and her son (Drama Boy’s best friend) were in town for the celebration.  The table was set.


The first course came out.



The adults had readied themselves to come to the rescue if the conversation were to take a lull or get awkward.  We totally assumed the boys would inhale the food and be done in an hour.  We were so wrong.


Those boys rose to the occasion.  There was something very magical that happened that night.  Soon, Chris Ann and I (who were serving the food while Devon cooked) found ourselves lingering, quietly, trying to get a morsel more of their conversation.  We wished we could be a fly on that outdoor table.


What we did witness were boys from very different worlds, ask one another questions about their lives and share details about their own.  They were listening, intently to one another.  If food came out that one of the boys had never tried, the others quickly encouraged them to take a bite.



They laughed.  There was never a moment where conversation wasn’t happening.




The adults were silenced…in awe.

After dinner, the boys came in.  One of Drama Boys’ Theater friends from the city shared with the boys a piece he wrote.


Gravy gave us  permission to share (he’s working on a video for me so you can see it for yourself soon!)…here is an excerpt.


Title: Goodmorning

“Yes I need more but I know what I’m fighting for. So I close my eyes. I’m not sleeping. I’m just dreaming. I pray 2 god “give me meaning because I am lost.” Yes I’m lost and confused luck lost too son. But I know where I wanna go and I know where I’ve come from. Even though I feel I can no longer run. I once heard Sam Cooke say that a change gone come. My grandmother always whispers in my ear that a change gone come. So instead of running I walk and strive to keep a steady speed and stare up at the sky at this faceless creed. I hate to bleed but that’s what I gave just to live out a dream. So for you to tell me not to dream, don’t fly because I have no wings well that’s obscene because like a crack addict for these dreams I fene. And I hold all of these dreams in my fist and all of me flows through my wrist and flows out like sierra mist and this fist isn’t pro-black, asian, white or muslim, christian, jew. This fist is pro-you. This fist is me too.”             By Aaron Pashtun

The night ended with fireworks and more exchanges between the boys.  By the end, the suburban, soccer kids were trying their hand at free style rap, only to be encouraged by their new city brothers!



Golden LoveFeast was in the air all night!

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Hannah Montana’s Hoe Down in Baltimore Tue, 21 Apr 2009 12:29:52 +0000

Ok, so it wasn’t actually a Hannah Montana Hoe Down, but while I was sitting at the movies with my 7 year old daughter, I couldn’t help but think back to the Easter Hoe Down, Throw Down we had!  It was a total Love Feast Hoe Down!!

We changed up our traditions, to the sorrow of some of our kids…and the grandmom!  For years we have gone to my Aunt and Uncle’s house for Easter dinner.  They are without a doubt, my host and hostess heroes!  They know how to throw a party and make everyone feel welcomed and at home!  Why wouldn’t we want to go there?  Well, you see, over the years our family has grown.  My sister and I have been churning out the kids…I have five, she has three.  But, my cuzins, are not married yet.  So, yearly, we are increasing the traffic flow to their house.  Really, we have enough mouths to feed…we need to start our own love-feast-holiday-traditions….and this is the year to do it!

So, this Easter, we invited a few of our friends who had no place to go and asked them to pitch in a dish.  It turned into a full on Love Feast Hoe Down!!  We had close to 40 people and enough food to feed the neighborhood!  Everyone pitched in, brought their favorites, stuffed a few plastic eggs and enjoyed hours of fun!  I thought it would be fun to share what everyone brought!

My husband and I (or should I say my husband)…a grilled lamb leg, a curried roasted lamb leg and ginger and caramelized onion roasted sweet potatoes with pecans, served on the “Lamb Plate*”

Denene and her family of 6, plus a brother and son…brought pineapple stuffing, butter and pineapple, can’t go wrong there!

Amanda along with her hubby and three kids…brought a ham and macaroni and cheese, which was attacked and demolished before dinner officially began!

Melissa and Derek and their two (outta 4) kids…brought more mac and cheese (you can never have enough!)

Jackie and Nate with their three girls…whipped up a strawberry angel food cake trifle (can I just tell you, these two made their own three tiered wedding cake!)

Meisha, my neighbor and her three…brought killer collard greens, I have no idea how she turns something so boring into something so delish!

Meg brought her two boys…and an awesome nut bundt cake…umm, don’t tell anyone, but I hid a chunk in my kitchen for later!

Andrew and his four kids…threw in some homemade (by the 7 year old, I think) chocolate chip cookies, that were to die for!

Eric…brought a couple of bottles of soda which made the kids happy!

Irene and Albert…tossed together a salad with sundried tomatoes, roasted pinenuts and cucumbers along with a couple of bottles of wine…which made the parents happy!

Bart…brought his appetite! 🙂

It was a beautiful day! The only thing we were missing was a little Hoe Dancin’ Hannah Montana kickin’ music (or not!)

Lamb Plate

*Lamb Plate=a plate that one buys at the antique store that is a bit out of one’s price range, that one justifies buying by introducing it to chef husband as lamb plate for tomorrow’s special dinner.

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The Baby Tue, 02 Dec 2008 16:33:01 +0000

The Thanksgiving Baby He walked in with the baby.  It looked like it was at least 30 lbs.  It was round and plump and it quickly took me back to another place and time.  Italy in 2007.  It was night and we wound our way around the twisty Florence roads (it was somewhere near the Piazzale Michelangelo).  On the right we noticed a sign.  It looked quaint and tucked away.  We pulled in and parked the car.  As we descended down the steps, an Eden of a back yard unfolded before our eyes!  There were maybe eight tables set up and set aglow by candlelight.  We were casually greeted by the hostess, who we later found out was the co owner (with her husband) of this gem of a restaurant.  She took us to our table.  It was nestled in under a tree and surrounded with blooming roses.  We settled in for what promised to be one of the highlight meals of our trip.  It was euphoric to say the least.  We have tried to recall the menu.  Much to our shame, it blurred into a memory of wonder.  The two items that we can recall was the baby and two, the complimentary glasses of homemade limoncello…both of which deserve their own posting.  This post is about the first!  The baby!  After we had indulged in a number of pasta dishes, the owner chef, came out with the baby.  It was a 2 pound slab of raw beef.  The chef unveiled it for us with the pride of new father.  We agreed to “The Baby” and poured another glass of vino while we waited for the baby to be finished.  We enjoyed that piece of meat.  It was roasted to perfection and seasoned with simplicity.  I don’t remember if we finished the baby, but it left an impression.  That impression came flooding back as our friend Albert walked in with our 30 pound baby…the Thanksgiving turkey.  As all of you know, it becomes the center of attention and when it is pulled out of the oven, it is displayed like a newborn for all the world, or your guests to see!  Here is our menu…but, I have to admit, while we sat around that table, with friends from all over the world (Korea, Holland, Morocco and America were represented) the highlight was wrapped up in the moment, and the memory that was created with The Baby as the center of the show!

Potler Thanksgiving 2008 Menu:

Pomegranate/quince glazed Baby

Garlic buttermilk mashed potatoes

Cognac (and I mean Cognac) gravy!

Baked scalloped sweet potatoes with fennel

Roasted Root veggies with a melange of red and golden beets, turnips and parsnips

Sundried tomato, walnut and sausage stuffing with fresh sage

Steamed broccoli

Angel biscuits

Homemade apple pie

Homemade pumpkin pie

Homemade Hubbard squash pie




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