Archives for September 2008

The beginning of our blogging journey…

I was bound and determined to make it to the Baltimore Book Festival!  My husband and our friend from Holland, Albert, thought I was crazy.  It was raining buckets and there were flash flood warnings.  But, if the Book Festival was on, then I was going!   Kaya, my 14 year old, volunteered to brave the elements with me!  We headed off.  As we got closer to the Mt. Vernon area, the rain began to tapper off and the sun began to peek out from behind the clouds.  Maybe it's a sign!!  Now to find parking...easy!  We're definitely on … [Read more...]

Cookbook Events for Wanna Be Foodbloggers

We couldn't believe our good fortune.   We had invented our self proclaimed jobs:  food bloggers and cookbook writers and had decided we were big.  At least, big in our own minds.  So, bolstered by our gusto, guts, and the need to quite frankly, just get out of the house, we were going to do this thing.  We had psyched ourselves up, convinced our husbands (it didn't take long, we're a force to be reckoned with), and told our kids (mommies can't be quitters)--there would be no turning back now, be it, rain, floods, lightening, or … [Read more...]

Join us at the LoveFeast Table! Cheers!

Here we are!  Four friends toasting the beginning of our blog:  The Love Feast Table.  The purpose of our blog is to begin a discussion that we hope spreads about friends and family, and gathering at the table around good food, and of course life's adventures!  We have had so many amazing memories around the table, many of those times we thought too good not to share!  So, we are going to begin a conversation about these memories, past, present, and hopefully future!  We are hoping you, the reader, will come join us at our … [Read more...]