Devon was in the kitchen, in his zone, rambling on about this amazing potato hash he wanted to make. I said, “There’s something about the word ‘hash’ that does not sound appealing. I think we should come up with a different name. What’s going into the dish?” As he rambled off the ingredients, my daughter piped in and said, “What about Rose Hashmary Potatoes?” We both looked at each other and said, “Perfect!” The ingredients for this dish are simple, but let me just tell you, what Devon does with the preparation creates a rich, creamy yet firm, side dish.
He started with these Baby Dutch Idaho® Potatoes. (I’d like to think of them as golden little gems.)
Then caramelized onions in sizzling butter until golden brown and added garlic and the potatoes.
Then he began to caress these potatoes with intervals of butter and water until he achieved a preconceived idea of creaminess, that only Devon can explain. At this point, I began to wonder if I could get him to actually write this process down for me to share with you. Some people just have the “recipe gift” in their head…”it’s a feeling from the soul.”
When he was satisfied, he sprinkled in an extra, sharp, white cheddar cheese and rosemary. He harnessed the “Italian” in him and kissed his fingers to his lips and said, “Perfetto!” Ok, really I think it was, “PerfeCtto!” But, I like to think he knows his Italian.

Devon & Little Man taking notes in Rome on how to do the correct hand motions.
I have to say, he was right! With our grilled pork, these Rose Hashmary Idaho® Potatoes were, “PerfeCtto!”
Rose Hashmary~Baby Dutch Idaho® Potato Recipe
by LoveFeast chef Devon Potler
1.5 lb bag Baby Dutch Yellow Idaho® Potatoes, medium dice
4 Tbls. Unsalted butter
1/2 Yellow onion, small dice
2 cloves Garlic, minced
1 1/2 C Water
1 C Extra sharp white cheddar cheese, grated
2 sprigs Fresh rosemary, chopped
Salt/Pepper To taste
1. On medium high heat, melt 1 Tbls. butter and added chopped onions. Caramelize onions. (They should be golden brown.)
2. Add 1 Tbls. butter, garlic and diced potatoes. Fry the potatoes, stirring occasionally and gently scraping the bottom of the pan for 3-5 minutes.
3. Add 2 Tbls. butter and let it melt.
4. Add 1/2 C water and bring to a boil until water is reduced to nothing. Stir occasionally.
5. Add another 1/2 C water and boil again until reduced completely. Stir occasionally.
6. Add another 1/2 C water and reduce 1/2 way. At this point, potatoes should be tender.
7. Sprinkle in cheese, rosemary and salt and pepper to taste.
Yields 6 servings
This post was a sponsored post by the Idaho® Potato Commission. LoveFeast™ was paid for creating a recipe and writing a post.