Well, it just might be time for some P.R. (Personal Relishing). Somehow, in our short time in the blogosphere we have made it to the top. In fact, we have made it on Alltop!! See our new bad selves with our funky Alltop button? See where this blogging journey is taking us? We’re going to rub shoulders with the best!! Bloggers like Smitten Kitchen, Orangette, Whipped, and Coconut & Lime. Bloggers we admire, follow, look up to! Bloggers, we have even stalked (we’re sorry Amateur dude, we’re not psychotic, we’re housewives!) We believed in our dream, found our voices, started typing, read a lot, blocked out the kids and the laundry, had our husbands make dinner, all to be in their midst!!! Ok, we knew we were “big in own minds”, we breathed in our dust, ok, a lot of dust, but we didn’t know, for fact, if anyone else was reading breathing with us! But, now, we’ve been approved by the glorious shining Alltop magazine rack in the sky !!! (hear harps) Um, what’s Alltop? It’s like a virtual magazine rack. We heard it was helpful if not essential to be on… if not for anything other than making our day, and filling us with pride, even hopefulness!!! We also want to give a shout out to those who have seen this diamond in the rough, the yeast before the bread, the batter before the cake: Strawberries in Paris and Dining Dish–for going where no blogger has gone before, putting us your blogrolls!! Thanks for making us to too legit to quit! So, now we are on our way in this blogging world! We want to again, invite you to be a guest at our table! Here’s how:
l. Be a “guest at our table” and sign up to have our blog come to your email through an RSS feed. What’s that? Good question. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. In simple terms it is a really easy way for you to read our blog. It will make our blog come to you in an easy format. Sort of like, having a newspaper chucked at your doormat. To do this, simply type in your email address in the box at the top-right of our page and hit subscribe. If you use iGoogle or MyYahoo or any RSS reader you can click on the RSS picture and follow the directions on your reader site.
2. Email and invite your friends to visit our blog!
3. We want you to share on this journey with us as well! That is what “comments” are all about. Simply, click on the word comment and it will send you to a page to leave your comment. If you absolutely must be private, just sign as “a fan” or Ms. X. Most importantly leave your opinion, impression, memory, experience, likes, dislikes, and so on! We want to hear from you, this is what makes a blog, a blog.
4. Any questions, inquiries, invitations, rsvps, please write us at [email protected]
Finally, thanks for reading this, and being a part of our journey with LoveFeast! Cheers!