Fancy Friday Bloggy Boot Camp

Welcome to Fancy Friday! This a day where we post things that strike our fancy! Pretty things…things we covet.  I saw a couple of those things at Bloggy Boot Camp this week.  Like this Fancy Friday worthy frock!  Mama Trisha rocked this outfit and stood out in the crowd!  But, it wasn’t just her frock that was Fancy Friday worthy, she’s the real deal and will totally make you laugh!  Check her out at Desperately Seeking Silence.

Fancy Friday Tunic on Fancy girl!

This other mama…let me pause here to say that Mom’s are Fancy, especially when given the chance to be a grown up for a day…co-blogs (sound familiar?) with her bff at Mayhem and Moxie.  I sat next to her at lunch and made small talk while trying to figure out how to unhook the clasp and casually have it land in my bag.

Mayhem and Moxie necklace

Let me first say that I am a texture lovin’ girl!  I stop to touch everything!  Especially something as beautiful and yummy as this!  I Like It Frantic made this purse by knitting the flowers then washing them, total felting technique and stitching them on to a handmade bag.

Knitted, felted purse

This little number, I wore.  I bought it at the American Craft Council Show in Baltimore the week before Bloggy Boot Camp.  Miss Fitt (totally talented…you should see her hats!) made this pretty little flower.  I wore it on a vintage turquoise jacket, knowing it would make me feel very fancy!

One last fancy item that I am totally coveting today…yeah, you know, ’cause you want it too…the iPad.  Sweet thing, find your way to this mama!
