Cookbook Events for Wanna Be Foodbloggers

We couldn’t believe our good fortune.   We had invented our self proclaimed jobs:  food bloggers and cookbook writers and had decided we were big.  At least, big in our own minds.  So, bolstered by our gusto, guts, and the need to quite frankly, just get out of the house, we were going to do this thing.  We had psyched ourselves up, convinced our husbands (it didn’t take long, we’re a force to be reckoned with), and told our kids (mommies can’t be quitters)–there would be no turning back now, be it, rain, floods, lightening, or lack of chairs.   So,  here it was the first week of our new jobs and we had “events” to go to.  Kristin was going to go to the Baltimore Book Festival to search for cookbook authors and I was going to go to see The Splendid Table’s, How to Eat Supper book event, at the Minneapolis, Room & Board.  The whole week we had been dreaming, scheming, and piecing together our ideas for blogging and cookbooks.  We had been researching and had come across some blogs we likes.   Amazingly, two were both going to be at the Baltimore Book Festival.  The Amateur Gourmet the had helped us get some “how to” information.  We liked his honesty.  We liked his humor.  The Casserole Crazy gal was elevating casseroles of all things!  We liked her spunk.  We liked her hair.   So, Kristin, leaving her cozy Baltimore home, went out to find them there, in the pouring rain.  She was armed with an umbrella (or was it a lightening rod), a camera, and her son (filling in as personal assistant and document-er).  (We don’t have agents or managers YET, but teenagers work as well, and ours assure us we’re cool for moms. )  There was no knowing if anyone would be out in the torrents of rain, but then again, no crowd could be a good thing, a chance to introduce ourselves.   So off to the tents, Kristin went, I told her on the phone, “knock ’em dead, don’t get hit by lightening and remember, fake it ’til you make it”  The journey was on!


  1. Help Us Grow! | LoveFeast Table says:

    […] and eventually an editor or agent.  So, we began our blogging path creating LoveFeast Table in September of 2008.  We rose to the challenge of learning new technology and soon found our creative juices flowing […]