Door Decor Happy Greetings

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom ~ Marcel Proust.






Welcome Friends & Fall!  My daughter and her best friend decided to be part of my Door Decor photo shoot and “acted out” this greeting.  Truth is they had spent hours together already.  I love the shining, happy smile on my daughters face pretend-greeting her bff.  While the greeting might be “acted” I know the meaning is true.  Nothing like a best friend at your door, literally or virtually.

It think it’s a little about how I feel about my front porch and of course the entrance to my home.  I try to “act out” as much charm, beauty, and friendly greeting into it as I can.  But the heart of it is I want it to make my friends and family feel welcomed, greeted, invited and special even before I open the front door.  A charming, welcoming space is like greeting your guest with an open smile.  I like to think it says linger, lets spend some time together.  My bff, Kristin is of course miles away.  But often I chat with her right here on the front step with my coffee, sometimes in my jammies.  We share that way.  It makes our souls blossom.

A little breakdown on my fall Door Decor decorating tips.  Texture.  I’m in with it.  Branches, cabbage leaves, feathers, bring it all on…the more the merrier.

Unexpected greetings.  Unexpected colors and containers.











Door Decor Decorating Tips ~

l.  Mix interesting textures together. ~ I mixed tin, cement, wood, feathers, cabbage foliage, branches, rocks and pumpkins.  I didn’t buy anything except for the fall plants and pumpkins.  I just gathered up my things and used them differently.

2.  Unexpected colors and containers. ~ I used a brown wreath and white and gray pumpkins.  I tried to make an interesting palate color you don’t see everywhere.

3.  I like a little greeting on my porch. ~ I used my twig sign that says DREAM.

4.  Sweep it. ~ Strangely running a broom across your porch does make a difference.  Plus the sweeping rhythm is good for you.  I’m convinced.

5.  Find Inspiration. ~ It’s Fall Y’all!  I’m linking this post to join up with more Door Decor inspiration and tips over at Southern Hospitality! And, over at Homes Stories A2Z & Nest of Posies.

And finally, here it is my front Door.  I’d love to invite you in to share a cup of jo’ or sit on my front porch with me!

Decorating a front door is fun but WHO at your front door would make your heart sing? 

(You can guess who mine is…we’re up for some In-Real-Life time real soon…don’t ya think?)


  1. Door Decor Happy Greetings | LoveFeast Table | BESTTOPIC | It's a News site says:

    […] See the original post: Door Decor Happy Greetings | LoveFeast Table […]

  2. […] It’s a fun time of year to do a little home decorating, too! There all sorts of ways to make your home feel cozy and inviting. The New York Mom has a tutorial for a Fall Wreath, Marvelously Messy rounds up her favorite seasonal centerpieces and bouquets and LoveFeast Table creates a simple but lovely entry way for her front door. […]

  3. art institute of chicago

    Door Decor Happy Greetings | LoveFeast Table