Fancy Friday Daily Inspiration

Spiral broccoli

green sun porch

green porch swing

green jeans

NYC Blue

johnson's hardware

hopkins green windows

MN Loon

turquoise goor

turquoise coffee table


China from Golden West

Funky Car



Apple Pie

Santa Fe

Italian sign

Funky Car

Fancy Friday’s is a place at LoveFeast Table to get inspired and to awaken the eyes to the beauty in the everyday.  We find it in a platter of vegetables, peeling fruit, an art car found in a shopping mall parking lot in Minnesota, a Baltimore porch swing or a street in New York City.  Ahhh, or how about the beautiful dilemma of Sienna or Florance?  What have you discovered for your inspiration?

Us in blue Golden West

Thanks for sharing this conversation at our table!  Kristin & Chris Ann


  1. […] Here at LoveFeast Table’s Fancy Friday we gather around our table to share the creativity, color, inspiration, and art that we find!!  We invite other bloggers to share their inspiration too, in […]

  2. A Pop of Color « Decorating Insanity says:

    […] Love Feast Table […]