Fancy Friday Earrings


We’re glad you’ve stopped to visit…cause we’re sharing our earrings for Fancy Friday!


Many of my earring share a story.  These are from my trip to Santa Fe with my husband last year.


Kristin got me these one year for my birthday along with a little note that said, “Every girl should have something with a cameo!”


These yellow ones are my latest faves from Urban Outfitters.


These have special powers.  Special Powers to make me feel happy.


Another pair from Kristin.  They were from a street market in Baltimore.  They were part of my “going home (to Minnesota) in a minivan with too many kids” gift, several years ago.  Kristin understands that a powerful earring can help you do anything.


These earrings I bought on the street in New York City.  I’m sure they’ll be packed in my bag when I head back there next week for BlogHer 10.