“falling leaves hide the path so quietly” ~ John Bailey Autumn Haiku
I grew up in northern Minnesota where the fields run straight and the dirt is dark black. My family has driven up from Minneapolis to spend a long weekend in northern Minnesota farm country to visit my parents. I thought the woods my parents walk in would be a perfect place to be inspired for this weeks theme ~ Falling. These are the same woods where I walked and played in when I was in elementary school. I feel I know them inside and out. I know them in the autumn, summer and winter. I have seen the leaves here over many years ~ Falling.
“The leaves fall, the wind blows, and the farm country slowly changes from the summer cottons into its winter wools.” ~ Henry Beston Northern Farm
“The milkweed pods are breaking, and the bits of silken down float off upon the autumn breeze across the meadows brown.” ~ Cecil Cavendish The Milkweed