Fancy Friday Frontiers

“The pioneers gave up their safety, their comfort, and sometimes their
lives to build our new west. They were determined to make the new world
strong and free – an example to the world. Some would say that those
struggles are all over. That all the horizons have been explored. That
all the battles have been won. That there is no longer an American
frontier. And we stand today on the edge of a new frontier.


The frontier
of unknown opportunities and perils. Beyond that frontier are uncharted
areas of science. Unsolved problems of peace and war.




pockets of ignorance and prejudice. I’m asking each of you to be
pioneers towards that New Frontier. My call is to the young in heart,
regardless of age.


Can we carry through in an age where we will witness
not only new breakthroughs in weapons of destruction,




but also a race
for mastery of the sky and the rain, the ocean and the tides, the far
side of space, and the inside of men’s minds?




All mankind waits upon our


The whole world waits to see what we shall do.



And we cannot
fail that trust, and we cannot fail to try.” ~John F. Kennedy


Chris Ann, enjoy your vacation in the Wild West this week!!


  1. […] LoveFeast Table » Blog Archive » Fancy Friday Frontiers – view page – cached “The pioneers gave up their safety, their comfort, and sometimes their lives to build our new west. They were determined to make the new world strong and free – an example to the world. Some would say that those struggles are all over. That all the horizons have been explored. That all the battles have been won. That there is no longer an American frontier. And we stand today on the edge of a… Read more“The pioneers gave up their safety, their comfort, and sometimes their lives to build our new west. They were determined to make the new world strong and free – an example to the world. Some would say that those struggles are all over. That all the horizons have been explored. That all the battles have been won. That there is no longer an American frontier. And we stand today on the edge of a new frontier. View page Tweets about this link […]

  2. […] time more?  Can you see our struggle?  Well, because we are dreamers and firmly believe in not boxing ourselves in, we decided we were all the above.  But, somehow, we realized, we needed to be able […]

  3. […] together!  Our family has made our annual pilgrimage from suburbia to our country cousins in the wild west!  Right now ribs are slow cooking in a homemade oil drum smoker, hot peppers are prepped for the […]