If you’ve been following us on Fridays, you’ll know that we like it Fancy! We take today to feature the things that inspire us! Well, not too long ago, we were twittered by @hipgirls Kate Payne who wanted to start a #FancyFriday run! Only to find out, great minds think alike! Because we are always on the look out for a FancyFriend, we stalked her, only to find out, what we already sensed in our bones, she’s our kinda gal! So, in LoveFeast fashion, we asked Kate to pull up a chair and join us at the Table! We feel so privileged that she took time out of her busy book writing schedule…(she’s working on The Hip Girl’s Guide to Homemaking due out in Spring 2011 by publisher HarpersCollins) to join us! So, have a seat and see if she doesn’t inspire you as well!
Our kitchen table is a constant source of fancy around these parts.
With meals we make
Flashy kinds of fancy, preparations for special cooking projects
Technologically genius kinds of fancy, like marveling at the invention of the bendy straw
Not to mention bare-bones kinds of fancy. At its most undecorated, our kitchen table is still pretty friggin’ fancy. My best friend placed this leather-topped vintage number into my care when her family expanded from three to four. When we sit down to eat, I think of all the times we shared around this very table her house.
It’s really exciting to place our prized possessions on the table for friends to use.
And of course we play dress-up
Yeah, sure, kitchen table dress-up does generate some extra laundry, but our gentleman kitty doesn’t seem to mind that one bit.
What types of things do you delight in placing on your kitchen table?
All photos except three (plates, teacups, and suppertime shots) courtesy of the lovely Jo Ann Santangelo (link: http://joannsantangelo.com/).