Welcome to Fancy Friday at LoveFeast Table! Every Friday for some time now we have been sharing with you the things that inspire us. We usually pick a theme to use or a whimsical story or happening. The theme might be a color, a crazy car, travel, an event, food, a pretty table, a feeling….any kind of thing that gets our creative juices flowing. We have tried to format these posts to be a little bit more about the pictures and a little less about the writing. We think sometimes a picture speaks a thousand words. Below is the LoveFeast Table Gallery of Fancy Friday. You can click on the picture icons and see all the previous Fancy Friday’s that we’ve done. We hope they inspire you and give you a little idea on how to do your own Fancy Friday post when you join us here on Fridays!
We want this conversation at LoveFeast Table to flow both directions. We’ve shared some of what we find fancy but now we would love to hear what’s “fancy” to you! So please join us every Friday when we host and post Fancy Friday. Next Friday April 9th is Fancy Friday Flowers. You can read more about posting your own Fancy Friday post and linking up here.
Fancy Friday ~ Come to be inspired or to be an inspiration!!
Chris Ann & Kristin