Easter is a wonderful celebration. We always look forward to a relaxed day of gathering for a lovely meal around the table, Easter egg hunts and family time. This year, I feel ahead of the game. My Easter table has been set for a couple of days. Once I set it to prepare for this post, I thought, why not leave it up?
Spring has not completely sprung here in Minnesota, in fact, we had snow just earlier in the week. I didn’t want my table to be overly flowery or springy. It wouldn’t fit in with the not yet green grass. But, I want my table to be pretty and hopeful for the change of season to come and for the celebration of this time. I also wanted my table to be special but not too formal. My inspiration for my table this year came from a couple of places: the restaurant ABC Kitchen in NYC, natural colors of wood, metal and burlap, vintage plates, my spring Canning Jar Garden project and flowers.
Last August when we attended BlogHer, we had a wonderful time at the table at the London with Laura and Linda and at ABC Kitchen for lunch. We were all inspired by the blend of modern and vintage place-settings. I knew I would be saving that vibe for the perfect time. So, I’ve been on the outlook for the right vintage plates. I have Kristin’s china of course, but, it’s boxed up ready for her to take back. Then, I found these.
My Spring Canning Jar Garden project was a perfect natural centerpiece. I placed them in an old sterling dish I have. I used natural color burlap fabric for a table runner.
Flowers, some wooden eggs, candles and glasses add to the mix.
How to tips for setting a vintage inspired Easter Table.
l. Layer a mix of textures, shiny, tarnished, burlap, wood, linen, china, glass all mixed together.
2. Add low fresh plants, flowers or wheat grass.
3. Candles, less for an afternoon meal.
4. Use real napkins, why not? Your family is worth it.
5. Layer the plates and mix the styles. I mixed white modern-shaped plates with the vintage ones.
6. Add some whimsical, but not silly, tablescaping items for a festive and sophisticated table. This year I added an cement antique garden bunny and some wooden eggs from the local craft store.
7. Set your table early so you can enjoy the creative process.
8. Savor you day and the memories you make around your beautiful table.
What’s inspiring you around your Easter Table? We’d love it if you’d link up you favorite recipes, stories, tablescaping and Easter celebration ideas at our table!