Fancy Friday~Give Thanks For Friends

Satin ribbons, colorful paint chips, textures of fabrics, thoughtful details in a jacket, fall vegetables and handmade crafts all inspire us!  But, conversation with new friends and old, are the moments we live for!

We have had many people over this past year stop by our Table.  Some of which have become good friends and others we wish we had more time to get to know!  Today, we want to thank a few of them for inspiring us!

Random Thoughts of a Citymouse

Debi’s “Tunes I Like Tuesday” keeps our work sounds fresh and current!

Delicious food and pics by A Farm Girl’s Dabbles

Seriously, every photo she takes of the food she bakes, makes us want to try a bite!

Terrill from Legacy Alpaca Farm is a good friend who inspires us with how she pursued her passion.

Terrill bought a few alpacas, has learned to raise and breed them and just sent her first batch of fiber off to be spun.

Penelope! From Ptsaldari’s Posterous brings a professional perspective to the art of dining and serving.

Only Penelope can weave the passion of Tina Turner and the love of food into a post!

Tracy at Sweet Harper is a new friend who inspires us with the clips she makes!

She is passionate about anything handmade…so are we!

There are so many more friends to name…but, there are plenty more Fancy Fridays to come!  Please share with us the friends that you are thankful for!


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by ChrisAnn and Kristin, ChrisAnn and Kristin, ChrisAnn and Kristin, ChrisAnn and Kristin, ChrisAnn and Kristin and others. ChrisAnn and Kristin said: #FancyFriday~Give Thanks for Friends! Here r some peeps we r thankful 4! […]