Something Kristin and I started a while back was something we like to call Fancy Friday. It’s a chance to share at our table things that inspires us, things that are beautiful, colorful, soulful, and artistic…things that we like to call “fancy”. You can click on some of of our Fancy Friday’s here.
Fancy Friday is also a “Blog Party”, which means if you are a blogger you can link up your “fancy” post with a linky button. Fancy Friday gives our readers a chance to find some other blogs to love.
There’s lot of cool blogs out there and we’d like to invite them to join us at the table this Friday! This coming Friday, June 25th, our Fancy Friday has a theme called BlogLove!
If you’re a blogger all you have to do is write a post about your favorite blog or blogs and tell us why you like them, why they inspire you and why they keep you coming back for more!! Then, link your post on Friday. You can read how to do that here.
If you’re a reader or didn’t write a post… you can still share your favorite blog or blogs by leaving a comment after the post this Friday.
Everyone can come back on Friday and get a chance discover a lot of really neat, blogger and reader recommended “fancy” blogs!!
So, think about it and come back next Friday and share your BlogLove™!!