Happy Birthday Chris Ann!!!

Shhhhhh!!!  Chris Ann has been frantically working on our next post.  Little does she know, I’m behind the scenes writing this!  Hopefully I can get it posted before she posts hers!  You see, today is her birthday!  So, I am posting a Birthday Cake Wish! So, Chris Ann, if you’re reading….Happy Birthday!! Here is the cake I would make for you, because it’s beautiful and delicious!!!  It reminds me of a cake with a lacy coconut skirt!  I think it’s worthy of a LoveFeast Birthday shout out! My birthday wish for you is this I hope this year be full of many dreams come true! I hope your house stays clean all by itself! I hope inspiration is found around every corner, in ever swatch of fabric, in every dish and perusing through every catalog! I hope blogging adventures will take on new meaning! I hope you cruise through this year with friends old and new! I hope with every intention, every list gets done! I hope Italy will be waiting with open arms! I hope you share LoveFeasts with people all over the globe! I hope you LoveBomb someone new in your hood! I hope the bottle will be uncorked, and our glasses full when we come to visit in two weeks!!! I am so glad to be on this journey with you my friend!  You have filled my life with so much laughter, memories and inspiration! Have a wonderful day! Love, Kristin