Happy Birthday Chris Ann!!!

Good morning sistah!  You are waking up, too early….I’m guessing 4 a.m.   I know you are frantically throwing your last minute things in your bag to head to the airport.   I wanted to be the second, ’cause I’m sure Todd was the first, to wish you a Happy Birthday!!!

Here’s your gift…

shadow box

Originally I thought I’d bring it to Cancun to hand to you personally.  But, then I thought, some gift!  I don’t want to make you lug it around!!  So, I’ll ship it to you when I return!

shadow box

Have a wonderful day!!! (I know you will!)  I’ll see you soon!!



  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by ChrisAnn and Kristin, Alltop Food. Alltop Food said: Happy Birthday Chris Ann!!! http://bit.ly/aZP3Tk […]