31 Days to Savor~Inspiration Boards


Grab a stack of magazines and a good size piece of foam core…some glue and a pair of scissors.

Start to flip through the magazines and cut out pictures or words that inspire you.  Maybe the pictures exemplify a goal you want to achieve or a memory you have.


The words could be a poem or a life statement.   Maybe the images are just beautiful and inspire you.


Make sure you cover every white space and don’t be afraid to go off the page.  Use this time to express yourself and inspire new ideas!

Hang your finished project above your desk or in a place where you can see it everyday!


31 Days to Savor a Beautiful Life


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by ChrisAnn and Kristin, Alltop Food. Alltop Food said: 31 Days to Savor~Inspiration Boards http://bit.ly/9ZFngg […]

  2. […] boutique, new ad space and comments threaded so we can chat with you all!  We are big believers in the art of the inspiration board.  It never hurts to have some visual imagery and some uplifting quotes to inspire you as you […]

  3. […] and home offices with things we have made that make us happy and keep us inspired.  Whether it be inspiration boards, a colorful garland, a chalkboard drawing from one of our children, a piece of pottery from our […]