#LoveBomb Thanksgiving Dinner

A bunch of us are gearing up to #LoveBomb at Safe House of Hope‘s Drop In Center in Baltimore, Thanksgiving week.

We will be preparing, serving and sharing a meal with women who are victims of sex trafficking.  We are still looking for volunteers to serve on November 23, 2011 from 11am-1pm, or to prepare food.

Here are the details:

When: Nov. 23, 2011
Time: 11am-1pm
Place: 901 Hollins St. Baltimore, MD 21223
If you can’t volunteer time that day, but want to help out, we need the following food items:

Menu THANKSGIVING DAY (50 people)
Stovetop Stuffing-2 trays
Pineapple stuffing-1 1/2 tray
Green bean casserole-2 1/2 tray
Cranberry Sauce-1 tray
Mashed Potatoes-1 1/2 tray
Candied Sweet Potatoes-1  tray

Sweet potato pie
Pumpkin pie

Ice tea/lemonade
Cream and sugar*

*Items with a line through them, have already been donated.

Safe House of Hope’s mission is to help victims of domestic sex-trafficking become an active part of a healthy community through education and training, and to provide support for the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs of these victims.  The drop in center is open two days a week with hopes to be able to open more often in the future.  This is the only drop in of it’s kind in Baltimore.

I served as Vice President on the board at Safe House of Hope last year, which was also it’s first year.  This is a new organization who is already very active in the community.  They are called in by police when an under-aged girl is found in a brothel, to counsel and help the victim find help.  They run regular training sessions for anyone who wants to join one of their three street teams that go out weekly distributing food, hygiene products and support to victims.  Their ultimate goal is to open a safe house for girls under 18 where they will offer counseling, healthcare, education, job training in a loving and supportive environment.

My eyes have been opened to how rampant and devastating the sex trafficking industry has become.  Here are a few facts that blow my mind:

*The average age of girls who are forced into this industry, in Baltimore, is 11.

*This year, the sex trafficking industry is expected to surpass the drug industry in sales.

*Domestic sex trafficking in Baltimore is now three generations deep in some communities.

If you have ever wanted to learn more about this industry, or want to get involved, there are many opportunities.  Email [email protected]

If you want to volunteer, please leave a comment and I’ll get back to you through email.