Open Letter to the Amateur Gourmet

Dear Amateur Gourmet,

We admit it.  We’ve been stalking, lurking after you on the web.  We see your blog rolls, your recipes, your friends, your pictures, your challenges.  You see, we have been in our homes a little too long… cabin fever takes it’s toll.  We’ve been wiping noses, vacuuming too much, planting herbs, gardening, washing dishes, and doing laundry.  We don’t get out much.  We don’t get to New York enough.  You see, it’s been years, really.  We needed adventure.  We needed some spice!  To see art, no, to make art!    So, somewhere, in between beer and sweet potato fries, on a hot day, last June, we thought, “We too are great!” (in our own minds).  We could be bloggers!  We could even be cookbook writers!  So, when we found your site, and specifically your post on food blogging, it confirmed our deepest longings to be hip moms-by-day, and  extraordinary lifestyle company CEO’s by night.  Are we dreaming?   Surely, aren’t we destined for Oprah?  If not, at least Adam Roberts blogroll?   And, although it’s possible we breathed in too much dust, perhaps sniffed a little too much Comet, we still have an intention, “From dryer lint to dreams!”.   And wait, you want to keep reading, this gets better, there’s more still… we’re gutsy… we believe our own hype.  In fact, we think we could even be like you!  So, believe us, while we haven’t been following since the beginning of your blog, in these last months, we’ve been reading “fervently”, so fervently, that we’re losing sleep, losing kids, but, finding our voice!   So, we thank you Adam, you inspire us.   As we wish you a Happy 5th Birthday, we’d like to give you this:  Dinner, LoveFeast-style, for you and your friends, at your place….our dime, your time.

Sincerely and with Appreciation,

LoveFeastTable Blog

Chris Ann Brekhus (Minneapolis, MN) & Kristin Potler (Baltimore, MD)

Chris Ann

Kristin Picture