Phillips + Love = Family


About 10, 15 or so years ago, I worked at Phillips Crab House in Ocean City, MD.  I worked there for two summers.  If you’re not from around here (Maryland) then you may not understand the gift I was given in having worked for Phillips Crab House.  Phillips Crab House is the “go to” restaurant in Ocean City, MD.  It is a family business that quickly whittles it’s way into most Marylander’s family traditions!  If you are on vacation with your family, you just have to go (and wait in long lines) to Phillips!

I was server for over 15 years and Phillips, hands down, was the best waitressing experience I had!  During the summers they hire close to 200 servers.  There are so many servers, everyone had to have a “server” name so when you were pulling tickets, the kitchen wouldn’t confuse you with another server.  I was server Kip.  The restaurant has 10 dining rooms and 5 kitchens!


That doesn’t even include the steam kitchen


and 3 bars!


When I worked there, nothing was automated so we had to write tickets, drop tickets and pick up food in no less than three locations!  As a server, we had to quickly get our timing down and stay on our toes the entire evening.  It was hard to serve more than 3 tables at a time.

But, it wasn’t just the training that impacted my life, it was the friendships and family I made there!  You see, even though there were so many people working at the restaurant, everyone quickly became friends!  You went to the beach together, partied (too much) together, ate employee meals together and shared a Phillip’s “Christmas Party” ( in the summer…just an excuse to get out of our uniforms and dress up) together.  I remember one party in particular…it was right across the street from the police station.  The police came to break up the, very large party.  They began to question whose house it was.  We all sat there calmly, looking at each other (knowing full well the “owners” were making their way out of the back door).  Everyone played dumb.  The police finally said, “Is this a Phillips party?”  You see, they had already learned, messing with Phillips employees was like messing with family!  That crab house blood ran thicker than water!  They ended up leaving.

I met friends who are still friends today…one of them, I married.  You see, I worked at Phillips for two summers.  When my younger brother graduated from high school, he wanted to move to the beach like his sister!  I got him a job as a busboy at Phillips.  I introduced him to my friends Corey and Bill…head busboys!


He moved into the Broadripple (the guys housing…so sad it got torn down)!  I didn’t work there that summer, but I went and crashed at his place when I visited.  He had this cute roommate, Devon.


When I first met him, I didn’t think much of our flirting…until a year later when we were married on a Colorado mountaintop…but, I’ll save that for another story!  16 years later, I’m still flirting with this former busboy!  And that guy Bill, well, he’s my brother in law…and Corey a godfather to my nephew…oh and did I mention, that grandson of Brice and Shirley Phillips is the godfather to my niece?



Yeah, it’s totally a family restaurant!


This is all to say, I was thrilled to be invited by Phillips to their Baltimore Inner Harbor restaurant for a special night with food bloggers…but, more on that tomorrow!


  1. […] UPDATE, UPDATE! Check out this story and photos about Phillips Crab House by two former Phillips’ waitresses:  Phillips + Love = Family. […]

  2. […] UPDATE, UPDATE! Check out this story and photos about Phillips Crab House by two former Phillips’ waitresses:  Phillips + Love = Family. […]