Certainly it won’t kill you to add a few more greens to your diet. It definitely won’t kill me! With summer underway I have had more than my share of treats, chips, and lovely meals. This was one of the delicious side-dishes we had over the 4th of July on our Colorado family vacation. The salad was prepared by a friend of my husband’s sister and husband.
What first caught my attention, or really my nose, was the delicious sweet orange she prepared. She meticulously cut the rind with a paring knife and then cut off all the membranes leaving only the juicy segments.
Then she cut up some fresh green avocados to add in.
Some red onion for taste and color.
And, finally shaved with flakes of Parmesan cheese. The dressing to this simple summer salad? Simply a swirl of olive oil and the hand squeezed juice from one whole lemon and a dash of salt and few cranks from the pepper mill to finish it off.
Summer Salad Recipe With Avocados
Fresh greens
Sliced Orange
Wedges of Avocados
Sliced Red Onions
Shaved Parmesan Cheese
Dressing: Olive Oil, 1 Lemon, Salt, Pepper
The end result was one of the simplest most satisfying salads I’ve had in a long time. Sure, I did a few other things during my Colorado summer vacation the defied the safety and health of some good garden greens. (Did I forget to mention 4 wheeling on mountain edges, shooting an assault rifle, and taking our minivan through a rocky mountain pass in the deep dark woods at midnight?) Well, I think a little adventure is good for the soul. And, this salad? It will keep you strong for the adventure.
We’re trying to beat the heat with summer salad inspiration. Do you have any surprising and tasty “adds” you like to zest up your summer greens? We’d love to know what they are! Please share them at our table!!