Velvet Pumpkin Center Piece

Chris Ann had seen these beauties in real life.


She’s the one who discovered them and she even brought a few home.   I had pumpkin envy.  But, to be honest, it didn’t last for long!  I ordered my own set.  I went a little “non-traditional” to match my newly (in process of) remodeled dining room.

As some of you know, we have been in the midst of a major renovation after our flood.  Because my life has been in renovation mode, my design bug has been in hibernation mode.  I didn’t plant a single mum…or even make my front porch inviting!  I’ve lacked the motivation.

Until pumpkin envy set in!


Every year, we make a big Thanksgiving dinner.  It’s one of our favorite holidays!  Devon gets up at the crack of dawn on Thanksgiving morning and begins to cook away!  We usually have many different countries represented around the table.  This year we will have Morocco, Canada and possibly Korea.  I can’t wait!  Ok, back to the pumpkins.


Thanksgiving will still go on!  (Even though my kitchen will look like this…

kitchen floor

and will be completely gutted the day after Thanksgiving!)  I was determined to let these beautiful, velvet pumpkins be the muse to my center piece.

They arrived and I began to play.

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When creating a center piece for a meal, there is no right or wrong way!

But, here are some tips:

*When gathering with a Table full of people, try and keep the center piece low, so you can see your guests across the Table.

*Think in layers…layer tablecloth, runners, swatches of textured fabric.




*Make sure pieces on your center piece are different sizes for visual interest.

*Use different textures for interest, like live flowers, greens or gourds with beaded, fabric or metal objects.


*Think in a color scheme.  This can be as simple as tone on tone colors…or multi colored!  Just try and keep the colors consistent.


I’m not sure where I’ll land for “THE” Thanksgiving center piece, but I promise to let you know!!

Our friend Gussy has been playing with her Plush Pumpkins today as well!  She has moved them all over her house!  She fell in love with them so much, she’s giving a set away at her blog today… Oh, and did you know…we are in the midst of a Velvet Pumpkin Giveaway too!  (That’s two chances to win a set!!)  Our contest ends tomorrow!  If you haven’t entered to win yet, click here!

If you don’t want to risk it, you can always design your own group of pumpkins and choose colors that go with your Thanksgiving theme! Visit our new LoveFeast Shop!


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by ChrisAnn and Kristin, ChrisAnn and Kristin. ChrisAnn and Kristin said: New Post! Kristin has pumpkin luv & tablescaping tips!! […]

  2. […] Pumpkins from our new LoveFeast Shop are currently donning our table and mantel!  They are beautiful handmade decorative velvet pumpkins with real preserved natural […]

  3. […] The quality of these pumpkins makes them timeless and special.  They are a quality decorating item that you will be able to use for years.  We’re going to be piling them on our mantels and on our tables. […]