I was bound and determined to make it to the Baltimore Book Festival! My husband and our friend from Holland, Albert, thought I was crazy. It was raining buckets and there were flash flood warnings. But, if the Book Festival was on, then I was going! Kaya, my 14 year old, volunteered to brave the elements with me! We headed off. As we got closer to the Mt. Vernon area, the rain began to tapper off and the sun began to peek out from behind the clouds. Maybe it’s a sign!! Now to find parking…easy! We’re definitely on the right track! We parked the car and made our way to the Food For Thought tent. There he was…The Amateur Gourmet . The tent was more than half empty…(I must be dedicated, I thought). Kaya and I brushed the puddles of water off our chairs and sat down. Adam was incredibly approachable. It didn’t take long to figure out why he is a popular food blogger! Everything about his presentation made him feel like he was the guy next door. A couple more people trickled in. As I glanced around I saw a very hip, New York type girl..was it? Yes, it was! Emily Farris (Casserole Crazy) sat down. Bingo!! Maybe I can talk to both of them! After Adam finished his pasta dish, I hurried over to the book tent to buy his cookbook. (It will make a great Birthday present for Chris Ann, I thought.) After the crowd began to clear, I went up and first introduced myself to Emily. I asked her for any advice…how she got her cookbook published…about her blogging experience (there were many more questions, but I wanted to give the appearance of being cool and professional…not of a momma exploding at the seams because she was out hob knobbing with people in the “real world”) She told me about her journey with the casserole contest, leading to the book…then to her blog. Adam’s story was a bit different…blog, to cookbook, to show with Food Network. So, the theme is, there is no right or wrong way! We chatted for a bit and I was so grateful for the tidbits of advice they passed on! The best being, “Know what sets you apart.” I know, without a doubt, what sets Chris Ann and I apart…our story and a lifestyle we live out! So, we begin this great adventure of blogging our story and weaving for you a picture of what Love Feast means to us…