Uncle Bonnie’s Favorite Food Memory

Chris Ann and I have been asking people, “What is your favorite food memory?”  Many people respond with, “I’ve never thought about that!”  I posed this question to my Aunt Bonnie over the holidays.  Aunt Bonnie is an artist and has always been the eccentric aunty of the family…that’s why we call her Uncle Bonnie!  She has created art all over the world.  I had the privilege of helping her with a mural here in Baltimore when I was a teenager.  She is currently wrapping up her first comic novel!  Needless to say she’s very talented.

“My favorite food memory…hmmm?  I remember I had just moved to New York and had recently discovered lavender.  I was growing my first plant at my apartment.  I went out to dinner with some friends and there on the menu, was lavender sorbet!  As an artist, the lavender sorbet appealed to all my senses!  It is a memory that stands out in my mind!”  -Uncle Bonnie

We know that many of you have favorite food memories…those times in your life, around a table, when time stands still and you remember the sights, the sound, the conversations and the taste!!  Will you share with us?


  1. […] I told owner, Sara Polon, just how needed this was in the wholesale market as well.  When we owned Jahva House, it was nearly impossible to find vegan and vegetarian soups that were organic and delicious!  […]