We are so happy to have Elle from All Things Bright and Beautiful pulling up a chair and joining us at the table today. Elle a momma of two, just so happens to be the winner of a Mother’s Tree Of Life necklace that we gave away on our blog not to long ago. We last saw her at a Pop Up Shop where we had a table, with her new baby in tow. Every time we wish we had longer to chat. Although she says she might not like to share (her walnut tarts, that is!) we can assure you she is the most generous of heart. She’s the perfect guest to have at our table ~ anytime!
Please join us and don’t forget to link up your favorite recipe HERE. ~ Chris Ann & Kristin
As a child I had no room for nuts in my Christmas celebration. They were ubiquitous at our house around the holidays: a bowl of mixed nuts with a nutcracker on the coffee table, roasted chestnuts after dinner, a box of See’s nuts and chews on the counter, walnut cups dotting the cookie tray. Why, I wondered, did my mom waste time on these when there were so many other delicious things to make and eat? I gave them a wide berth and stuck to the fruit tarts, the lace cookies, and the old fashioned sugars.
Fast forward to my marriage and a new husband who adores nuts and harbors a fanatic passion for pie crust… I called my mom for the walnut cup recipe, knowing he would be in absolute heaven (and have them all to himself – what a good wife I was!). Of course the cook always has to sample their goodies and though I expected distaste when I popped one in my mouth, I found myself reaching for another. And another. Needless to say, hubby had to share.
Fast forward again to the present and my own five year old who won’t touch walnut cups with a ten foot pole… and now I know why my parents never argued my passionate hatred. Who wants to have to share with the kids?
Walnut Cups
1 1/2 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup shortening
4-5 tablespoons water
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Dash salt
3/4 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup finely chopped walnuts
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
Mix the flour and salt. Cut in shortening till mixture resembles peas. Add water till dough comes together nicely.
Divide the dough into 24 balls and press into the cups of mini muffin tins, going up the edges to make wells for the filling.
Mix the egg, vanilla, brown sugar and walnuts together. Spoon filling into the cups.
Bake 15 minutes or until the crust is golden and the filling is set.
Makes 2 dozen cookies.
Thank you to Elle from All Things Bright and Beautiful for sharing your Walnut Cups Cookie recipe at our table! ~Chris Ann & Kristin
SoCal girl who got herself stuck in Minnesota and fell in love with it, despite all efforts to the contrary. Crazed pumpkin fanatic. Devoted (if haphazard) gardener. Passionate foodie. Mommy to two absolutely delectable little girls. Twitter nerd (@ellestrike). Devourer of books. Occasional blogger at All Things Bright & Beautiful. Craver of closeness. Committed to enjoying life all to heck.