Creating Wonder in Your Home

Come on in! We felt welcomed immediately when we walked into the door at Su Casa Furniture, in Baltimore. As we wandered around, the signs spoke clearly…

Chris Ann and I believe in seizing the day, savoring the moment and making the most of every memory. We do that by creating wonder in our homes.

It’s not only setting the mood with beautiful, comfortable furniture…

but accessorizing with finds that inspire or reflect the things we love, like travel…

reclaimed and upcycled furniture…

and little details that make any guest feel cared for and important.

We are also huge fans of lighting a candle, even in the middle of the day, when no one else is around and letting our senses be inspired…a little glow goes a long way.

And don’t forget a touch of humor and whimsy!

My new sofa fits perfectly in our living room! Now I’m excited to add the accessories…upcycled art, finds from our travels, beautiful details, fragrance, lighting, comfort and humor to the space to create a place of wonder for my family.

I will be sharing over the next few weeks how all these details add to savoring life’s moments. Follow along on twitter, (#sofastory) Instagram (@LoveFeast) or on faceook.

*I am participating in Su Casa Furniture’s Test It, Blog It, Win It. I get to choose a sofa of my choice, let it live with me for a month, blog about it, try it out and if I’m chosen as the winner (based on creativity) I get to keep the sofa. If I’m not the winner, I can purchase the sofa for 1/2 off. 

*All the products featured above, can be found at Su Casa Furniture.


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