31 Days to Savor~Handwritten Note


Life is so busy.  The tools around us help us flow quickly with the pace…cars, airplanes, computers and even twitter.  We communicate quickly and in real time.  It’s a gift.  We are even able to touch base with people who we wouldn’t normally through facebook.

With all of our quick communication and busy life, I kinda miss the art of the handwritten note.  Recently, we received a handwritten note from Queen of the House of Boys. She was thanking us for a wonderful time at the BlogLove European Marketplace event.  She’s our hero. The note made us smile.


This year, I’m thinking I will make a resolution to write a note a week…to an old friend, or a new one!  Maybe I’ll write a note of thanks to my kid’s teacher, or drop my dad a note just to let him know I’m thinking about him.

What about you?  Take a moment to savor the art of a handwritten note.
31 Days to Savor a Beautiful Life


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by ChrisAnn and Kristin and Alltop Food, Caterham Business. Caterham Business said: 31 Days to Savor~Handwritten Note http://bit.ly/bgIaLK […]

  2. […] had all intentions of writing on another topic…until I saw the post at LoveFeast Table.  I am so inspired by them!  Today’s the blog is about the handwritten note.  Oh, this is […]
