31 Days to Savor~LoveBomb with Apples

apple wagon

LoveBomb=The act of preparing, serving and sharing a meal or a morsel with someone you normally wouldn’t.  This is an act that takes you outside of yourself…usually involves a little bit of courage…and rewards you in ways that are hard to express.

We have LoveBomb-ed with burgers, cupcakes and even breakfast.  But, because apples are plentiful this time of year…how about making an apple pie, galette or bread!

nectarine gallette

Think of a neighbor or a teacher…the librarian or guy at your local coffee shop who serves you your latte every morning…make a morsel.  Take it to your soon-to-be-friend.  Cut a slice for each of you.  Ask questions and listen.  Listen to their story.


Savor a LoveBomb…then come back and tell us about it!
31 Days to Savor a Beautiful Life


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by ChrisAnn and Kristin and ChrisAnn and Kristin, Liz Lee. Liz Lee said: RT @LoveFeast: 31 Days to Savor~#LoveBomb With Apples…we dare you! http://lovefeasttable.com/blog/31-days-to-savorlovebomb-with-apples/ […]