Birthday Week, Part 1

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Today I have to confess, I have milked this birthday year like no other!  You see, the weekend of birthday brought many gifts!  It started with 36+ inches of snow.

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My husband got stuck in TX because the airlines were shut down.  My bff was representing LoveFeast at Blissdom in TN.  My boys wanted no part in shoveling (truth, unless they were getting paid!) Those were the gifts that were hard to open on my birthday.  There were a few that brought a smile to my face!  Chris Ann, anticipating I was going to have a little bit of a let down on my actual birthday, shipped out a loaded package of goodies for me, early.  I debated on waiting, but in Kristin fashion, I decided to declare it a birthday week and proceeded to start the festivities three days early (my husband was already out of town)!!  I’m so glad I did!  Here’s a glimpse of what I scored!

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Then in order to shovel a walkway and my driveway, I bribed some local neighborhood boys with a little xbox live time and food.  It worked!

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For myself I made a pot of French onion soup!  (I did share with Drama Boy and Drummer!)

French Onion Soup

caramelized onions

There was one gift though, that I received the morning of my birthday, that was more valuable than the rest!  I woke up, stumbled into my kitchen, only to be greeted by my two older boys, Drama Boy and Drummer, busy making blueberry scones (from scratch) and pulling shots of espresso for my Americano!

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Can I just tell you, my momma heart was bursting!  The scones were flaky and the Americano, perfect!  (These boys will make great husbands!)  Drummer made me a birthday banner!  I asked him why it said 29?  He said, “Because mom, last year you were 28!”

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Drama Boy handed me a stack of folded circles.  I was instructed to put them in water.  They each slowly unfolded into flowers.

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Then, I sat down to a wonderful breakfast, looked out at the beautiful white snow, sipped on hot coffee, turned on the computer (took a bite of my virtual birthday cake) and enjoyed being stuck in the house with my kids.  It was a good start to my birthday week!

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February 2010 snow 052


  1. […] year started with an epic snow for Kristin in Baltimore.   She celebrated her birthday in style despite the weather.  We got a […]