Blogging Community

Bloggging has sent us on a journey of discovery.  Not only has it forced us to face some passions that, as stay at home moms, we had gently suppressed, but it has also made our friendship grow and stretch and develop in a rich way.  Because we value real and authentic relationships, we desire to keep the conversation going and are excited to meet  fun, new friends along the way.

Yet, to be honest, our struggle often comes in the way of time and time management.  Our lives are full already. What with my five kids (plus an extra teen that lives with us) and Chris Ann’s four, well let’s just say our plate is full.  But, blogging and the blogging community is an extra helping we want on our plate.  It’s the one we want to save room for.

We would love to hear how you manage your blogging community.  Are there tips of the day that you could share that help you manage your rss feeds, twitter talk and facebook interactions?  Is there a favorite plug in that helps you stay on top of things?  Do you have a system that works for you?  Do you like Blog Frog, or is there another favorite of yours?  How do you keep the conversation going?

Please share!  If we had our way, we’d manage our time in such a way that left room for seconds.


  1. […] Exercise Truth is, just as we were exploring community, communication and branding, we stumbled on this contest being hosted by Mom Central.  We decided, […]

  2. […] who support us, kids who adore us (most days), a new look for our table, our friendship and for you!  We are so thankful for your support and friendships.  We are amazed at all the wonderful people […]