Breville to the Rescue…Once Again!


My husband popped in, mid-day, to grab his forgotten lunch and to give me a kiss.  Okay, truth be told, I think he wanted another shot of espresso.  So, he hit the grinder button and…nothing.  It didn’t work.  He cleared out the grinds, checked the cord and still…nothing.  “You have got to be kidding!” he said.  “We’ve had this grinder (Cuisinart) for less than a year.”


He gave me a kiss, grabbed his lunch and headed back to work.  I hopped in my ‘burban and went to the mall.  I walked straight in to Williams and Sonoma, directly to the coffee section (I know it by heart) and found what I was looking for…Breville’s Conical Burr Grinder.  I quickly put in my request to the saleslady, she hunted down the box in the storage unit and I swiped my card.


When I returned (ok, after a quick stop at Anthropologie…they are right next to each other in the mall!) I unpacked this baby, threw away the other, placed it right next to my Brev and filled it with beans.  My pulse began to slow down as the liquid love poured out.  Now, all is right with the world.


Thank you once again Breville for coming along with me on my daily journey!

P.S. This is not a paid endorsement.  The above is a genuine expression of my gratitude for all things Breville.