Love - Things that inspire and make us happy!

Fabulous Fall Fashion

Houndstooth Boutique in Savage, Minnesota was one of the businesses that put a little swag in our bags at BlogLove!!  During the week while Kristin was visiting we ran down to Houndstooth and interviewed Amber, the owner to see what is going to be in fashion for this fall!  Amber is really knowledgeable and will know just the right look for you!!  So peek through your BlogLove swag bag and find her business card and visit Houndstooth to use your store credit special for BlogLove Minnesota attendees! And, here's a look at this … [Read more...]

Great Grapes Wine, Arts and Food Festival

This coming weekend, July 24 and 25, there is a fabulous festival coming to Annapolis!  The Great Grapes Wine, Arts and Food Festival is an event that encourages families to come out and enjoy a day of tasting organic food straight from the farm, sipping wine and beer and listening to local musicians like The Kelly Bell Band and Junkyard Saints.   There will be over 300 international wines to sample and for the beer lovers, over 40 international brews to taste. If you bring your kids, there will be a playground where your kids … [Read more...]

I Fell in Love in Colorado

Sixteen years ago, I married a boy.  He was only 19 and had long hair.  He wore shorts and birkenstocks.  I had hair down the middle of my back and was 9 months pregnant.  We were young but, we were in love.  We met in Ocean City, MD.  It was a "summer romance".  Two weeks before Devon was to move to Colorado with my brother, I discovered I was pregnant.  I had seen people get married because of a baby and knew that the odds of it working out were slim.  I had just met Devon.  I wasn't in love.  So, I sent him on his way with my … [Read more...]

Fancy Friday With Gusto!

No matter how carefully you plan your goals they will never be more than pipe dreams unless you pursue them with gusto. -W. Clement Stone Just keep kicking. "Live today not as if it's your last but rather as if it's your first. Explore. Wonder. Dream. Create." -Ryan Detzel *This Is Reverb* Live Fiercely. "Live today with gusto." -Dale Carnegie This was a Fancy Friday post.  It's where we share what inspires us, put's a smile on our face, keeps our creative juices … [Read more...]

Fancy Friday Duex

    Don't let the unknown scare you!!  Be inspired!!  It's Fancy Friday!! What inspires me is... Squash medley that Devon made for dinner, at our house, two weeks ago. NYC one month ago. Apples dipped in caramel. Tomatoes from the Union Square Market.   My fall porch in Minnesota. Amazing dessert at Momofuku with fried tea leaves!  Scrumptious! My Mudd Lake lamp. What dream are you running towards? Share your dream or what inspires you, … [Read more...]

Fancy Friday At LoveFeast Table

This is really where we spent most of the front of our computers, drawing, writing, planning, and noshing on bites our husbands brought to us.  Kids came in and out, crawled on our laps, dogs muddled around our feet, the front door opened in and out with neighborhood kids, but we stayed focused only coming up for air to eat, and our night out at Heidi's.  You see we are working on a LoveFeast Table re-design. For us, it doesn't take long when we are together to get our creative juices flowing. So, we … [Read more...]