4th of July for my family in Colorado is all about letting go and having fun!
We say good bye to our suburban Minneapolis neighborhood and embrace the country.
We shoot things and make things…
and watch things be made and shot. We say good bye to corporate America for just a bit…
Delve into a feast ~
And embrace an element of danger!
We are happy, well fed, relaxed and having fun. We’re celebrating all the things we enjoy ~ our freedom in America.
How do you celebrate the 4th of July? This Fancy Friday is all about it!! Link up (anything 4th of July related) or share a comment for us all to be inspired by!
We'd love to hear about your traditions!
1. | noemi hedrick | 3. | Griled Chicken Kabobs and Driveway People | ||
2. | Fabulous Fourth! | 4. | Precious Blessings |