Fancy Friday Five

Welcome again to Fancy Friday Five our weekly Blog Party Link Up where you can link all that was fancy to you!  Here was what was fancy this week for me!

My very fancy girl ~ turned 8 this past week.  She is the epitome of fancy.  She is full of fancy wisdom ~ so much so that there may be a post dedicated to it in the near future.  But let me leave you with this piece of brilliance left on the family chalkboard in scribbled colored chalk.

“You can change your hair, You can change your mind.”  ~ Take that bit and seize the day!

After being married to my husband for 20 years.  I did not know that he had killer rollerskating talent until this week.  Here’s to being married to someone with fancy feet!

It’s always nice to get a fancy present.  We got our fancy girl the doll bed to go with her American Doll, Julie.  Julie is from the 70’s era ~ which was fancy in its own unique way.  It might also end up as a fancy bed for our fancy dog, Roxy.  (If you’ve never been to an American Girl store ~ here’s a peek when Kristin took her birthday girl.)

St. Patrick’s Day is coming around the corner.  I have been making some fancy treats in preparation.

Last but not least for my Fancy Friday Five wrap up, the fancy Lorax.  We got our picture taken with the Lorax at Blissdom, the blogging conference we just attended in Nashville.  I’m looking forward to taking my kids to the Lorax movie this weekend.  And they will love this picture ~ especially my fancy girl.

What do you have fancy to share from this week?  Add your comment or link your post!