Fancy Friday~Fall Field Trip

Fall is the perfect time of year to schedule day trips with your family.  I sit down at the beginning of the school year and map out a trip every few weeks that I think will interest my kids of all ages.  After all, I have two teenagers, a middle schooler, a 5th grader and a 4 year old.  This year we have already packed in a few day trips.  I homeschool my younger three and we are studying early American history, so I planned a few trips to kick off the school year with real life learning.  The first was to a historic Quaker farm, Woodland Manor Cultural Park,

where we were lead on a 2 1/2 hour tour through the woods.

We were escaping slaves and we explored what we would do to avoid getting caught and how to survive.  The volunteer “conductors” of the Underground Railroad, were true storytellers and left us with an experience that brought history alive.

After our hike, we headed over to the Live Butterfly Exhibit at Brookside Gardens South Conservatory.

There were hundreds of species of butterflys from all over the world. The favorites were the large Atlas moths.

Of course the teenagers loved that we found two intertwined.

I personally loved watching the butterflys that were attracted to rotting fruit.


The photographs don’t do the colors justice.

I think the  favorite family trip so far this year, was the Muddy Run Pow Wow we attended in Pennsylvania.  We spent the day visiting the vendors,


hearing a bit of their stories, watching artists at work,


sitting on the hill and watching the dancers

and a couple of my kids even participated in the candy dance.

Not only are we learning and having fun, but we are creating family memories.

What about you?  What fall field trips do you have planned?