Fancy Friday~What’s Your Fancy?

Truly, fancy is in the eye of the beholder!!  Here at LoveFeast Table’s Fancy Friday we gather around our table to share the creativity, color, inspiration, and art that we find!!  We invite other bloggers to share their inspiration too, in a Fancy Friday Blog Party so that we all can click through, visit other blogs, so we all get to share what inspires us and makes us happy!!

This Fancy Friday was inspired by this lady.

Fancy for the Train

She was waiting at the train station in Baltimore.  She was a vision of years gone by, where ladies would “dress” for their travel.  She was accompanied by a fancy gentleman as well.

Fancy Friday Hat

Chris Ann and I began to think about what was most fancy about her, we agreed it was her hat…her hair covering.  Over the week we found a few other hair coverings we thought were pretty fancy.  We hope you enjoy our visual art gallery!



Little man mohawk

Fancy Friday Hair


There is no right or wrong way to participate in Fancy Friday…we will post a theme…we will try and do it early in the week.  We want to see your spin on that theme!  We want to see what pictures,  poems,  song lyrics or a combo of all the above that reflects that theme!  Don’t be afraid to participate!  ‘Cause we know, there’s a little fancy in everyone of us!!
