Remember the London


Love: “I started noticing how stained the pavements are in London. The pavements in Beverly Hills aren’t used; in London, they’re used for everything. It doesn’t matter how much they’re cleaned, they still reflect light.” ~Julie Christie


Feast: We were in New York City, at Gordon Ramsay’s The London Bar.  Four women, gathered at the table.  Three of us had wine while Chris Ann sipped on a Pimm’s.  We ordered an amazing smoked bacon pizza with arugula and Parmesan.  It had a light, crispy crust with just the right balance of saltiness to make any lady happy!  A plate of charcuterie piled high like red stained ribbon and a bowl of manchego cubes,  glistening at just-the-right-room-temperature-goodness, mixed with almonds and olives.




Table: Chris Ann and I, 16 year old friends, were joined by two new friends!   Laura, The Hollywood Housewife, whom Chris Ann had met at Blissdom.  Chris Ann recognized her at Blissdom by her sparkly, to die for, dress and they became instant friends!  And Linda, Baby To Be TV,  a new blogger friend we met on the train to BlogHer ’10.   Linda ended up becoming our roomie for the first night because she could not get a hold of the people she was supposed to stay with. (Their loss…our gain!)



Life: We settled in to our table.  The lights flickered off the countless mirrors and glass.  It didn’t take long for the four of us to roll up the pristine pavement we came in with, only to replace it with well traveled road.  We slowly began to reveal the cracks, the soil and the foot prints tread by ourselves and left by others.  Typically when you meet new people, it takes months if not years to let others see the true architecture of your road…the twists and turns, the wadded up gum stuck and petrified, the broken corners where life’s heavy truck misjudged the load.  We usually spend time sweeping and power washing a section to reveal what we assume others want to see.  Maybe it’s fear of being judged.  Or maybe we’re afraid of giving too much only to be hurt.  Chris Ann and I are artists.  And not, modern, white washed, sterile artists, but the types that love the layers that life gives!  We love a little extra fray on a curtain.  We get excited when we see a painting with an unexpected splash of unrelated color!  It’s those little bits, the surprises that give depth to the art we appreciate!  This night, we left inspired.  For whatever reason, maybe it was the wine or The London’s delectable spread…maybe it was the women gathered or the atmosphere.  I personally think, it was all the above.  I think the women assembled longed to go below the surface of this masterpiece unfolding.  We longed to reveal the true nature of our pavement.  We spent the night looking and listening intently at each piece of surface covered.  We even spilled a few tears, together to help wash away areas that had been hidden by grime.  It didn’t erase the spot, but the beauty of the friendships that were created that night, lent a new light, a new reflection on all of our sidewalks.

Gordon Ramsay (at the London) on Urbanspoon


  1. […] on twitter with our “twitter friends”-never realizing they would turn into true friends in real life.  As we continued down the blogging path we started to realize that the path we were on was […]

  2. 31 Days to Savor~GNO | LoveFeast Table says:

    […] be told, I don’t even have a grid for this.  GNO is a must!  It is the life blood for us women.  It’s a chance to speak freely, share our hearts, […]

  3. […] visiting various blogger events such as Bloggy BootCamp, Blissdom, Relevant and eventually BlogHer in New York City.  Along the way we got in the occasional visit, shared some stories about […]

  4. […] is about the experience.  Things like travel, events we attend, BlogLove Events, Love Bombing and giving back […]

  5. […] (in-real-life) again to find that the launch of online friendships blossom IRL .  We will always remember the London and sharing conversation and life stories across the table.  We are excited to have our friend […]

  6. […] August when we attended BlogHer, we had a wonderful time at the table at the London with Laura and Linda and at ABC Kitchen for lunch.  We were all inspired by the blend of modern and […]