There is a lot of open road on our road trip to Colorado. And, at the end of a dusty road we found a fun pit stop.
Poncho’s at Pastimes it’s called in the small town of Keensburg.
We drove in looking for a gas station…
and then we found Pastimes and the friendly woman who owns Pastimes behind the counter.
She was a little skittish at first, what with me pointing the camera at her, asking about family recipes and taking pictures of her ah-may-zing!!! strawberry shortcake cake. A bunch of elderly locals at a near by table tried not to be distracted by my out-of-town-ness.
Truth is eventually after I stopped wielding my camera in her face she eventually agreed to share the recipe
for her delightful whipped deliciously piled with cream cake.
Except that I forgot her name and lost her contact information. That was last summer.
But, I know where she is. And, I’m hoping to stop back. Cross your fingers that we’ll get the recipe to share with you!
There is nothing like a favorite pit stop on a road trip!
We love Pastimes on the road in Colorado ~ Kristin and her family like to make pit stops where they can plug in and pull a shot. Where do you like to make a road trip pit stop?