London’s Food and Pub Culture


I’ve only been back from London for a few days and am already going through withdraw from Pub Culture. I know we have pubs here in the states, but the culture surrounding our pubs is slightly different.  In England, there is a pub on every corner and it’s typical to stop after work, meet a few mates and throw back an ale or two.


The ale is delicious.  After one cold day, we wheeled the babies into The Wendel for a warm vanilla cider before heading home for dinner.  It was the perfect mid afternoon libation.


The first day we arrived in London, we joined my sister in law with her mommy/baby group at The Dog and Fox for lunch.



The buggies were lined up, the tables strewn with smashed carrots and bottles and the moms were cooing over their babies.  My sister in law said that it’s the perfect place to meet in the afternoon because cafes tend to be small and crowded, but the pubs are virtually empty during the day.  I buy it!  The food is always warm and nurturing, delicious and simple.  I quickly fell in love with the meat pies and am determined to find a recipe to master for my family.


Other meals included, a  sausage sandwich, butternut squash soup and a must…fish and chips.




When I got back, I told my 4 year old that they call french fries, chips,  in England.  He said, “I would still call them french fries.”  “But, they wouldn’t know what you were ordering,” I said.  “I’d tell them that french fries is their chips, ” he informed me.


Toward the end of our visit, my sister in law and I walked to the local deli to pick up little bits of cheese, quiches and meat rolls.  When her mum arrived, she had with her a few more  “little bits” for lunch.  I love that.  Little bits…really, you can’t go wrong with any of these.




Enjoying pub culture, took me back to my “European roots” and made me realize I need a little more of this here in my life in America.


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