LoveBomb Gets Dropped on Facebook


We are on a mission to start a LoveBomb-ing revolution!  What is a LoveBomb? It is the act of preparing, serving and sharing a meal or a morsel with someone you normally wouldn’t. It could be a cookie to a local librarian, or a five course meal for teen age boys!  It could be bacon cheeseburgers for a bunch of skaters or muffins with moms who are trying to get back on their feet.

LoveBomb-ing is about stepping out of your comfort zone and coming to the Table to listen to others stories.  It doesn’t matter how old you are,  if you live in the city or the ‘burbs or if you’re a mom or a young single guy…anyone can LoveBomb!

We recently had an artist we love…(she’s Fancy Friday worthy)…Kelli Murray work up a design for LoveBomb that we can slap on stickers and T-Shirts…or on facebook!  This facebook group is for you!  We want to hear your LoveBomb stories!  If you write a post about a LoveBomb, please share it on the group wall!  But, be forewarned, we may ask you if we can post your story here, as well!

So, plan a LoveBomb for someone! Or allow life to throw you an Unexpected LoveBomb!  Share a LoveBomb with them!  Listen to their story!  Share their story on here!  Twitter #LoveBomb!!  We promise you’ll be hooked!


  1. […] LoveBomb=The act of preparing, serving and sharing a meal or a morsel with someone you normally wouldn’t.  This is an act that takes you outside of yourself…usually involves a little bit of courage…and rewards you in ways that are hard to express. […]

  2. […] last year, when we LoveBombed him and his friends at the skatepark, I collected the broken decks.  I have stacks of them under […]

  3. […] Start LOVE BOMBING!  Watch out! You could be next.  Not necessarily a Love Bomb but I did drop off a meal for friends this week.  […]