Orchard Art House

In one of the last weekend of the summer,  I had the opportunity to go out with some friends who also happen to be local Minnesota bloggers.  Cate happened to know about a gathering at the Orchard Art House, the amazing studio and shop of e.kate designs.











I absolutely love art and craft fairs of every kind.  Kristin and I have gone to lots of events like this and always find that we leave with our creative juices flowing and renewed inspiration.  Getting a peek into how other people see the world and find and create beauty is always interesting.  And, shopping for pretty things with the girls is well ~ let’s just say ~ if not diamonds, something pretty on the ear can be a girl’s best friend!  (Here’s a peak at our inspiring artsy evening!)























I loved the way the artist hand stamped and hand-tore each ribbon and hand tied each box.  She joked it was a “sickness”.  But, I think it was a gift of the heart, the final touches of her art.






“everything has meaning and can be re-purposed into something gorgeous. i guess that’s how i see tragedy in life too. that you can muster up whatever strength you have and build something beautiful with whatever it is you’re given. and there’s certainly power and redemption in that. ” ~e.kate

We all had a lovely evening enjoying each others’ company ~ having a GNO (girl’s night out!) is so important!  And, we all left with a little treasure or two in our pockets, a smile on our faces and some inspiration to take home and be creative with!

The gang~

Maggie ~ Gussy Sews, Noemi ~ Noemi Photography, me, Cate ~ Wild Ruffle, Jennifer ~ stella & dot

The scrumptious decked out interiors or e.kates working studio, Orchard Art House~

What I brought home~


And that is what we did and what we saw in a lovely little cottage in the trees by a lake!

Do you have any favorite artists or etsy artists that you’d like to share?  We’d love a peek at what you fancy!