Rehearsal Dinner, LoveFeast Style

The night after all the good eats with the boys and girls, the entire wedding party descended on our home for a “Rehearsal Dinner” (there really was no rehearsal, but it sounded like an appropriate name) cooked up by Devon.

I made oven roasted cherry tomatoes earlier in the week as preparation for the special evening.  Devon had it in his mind to prepare an oven roasted tomato, artichoke and exotic mushroom risotto served on a bed of baby arugula.  Oh my goodness!  Really, I don’t know if words can begin to describe what happened in my mouth when I took a bite of this dish!  And, I’m sorry to say, my non recipe using, non measuring and forget about writing it down husband…well, I don’t know that it could be entirely recreated and shared.  It was one of those food moments, where the stars are aligned and the flavors combined to make a symphony of deliciousness!

We had a number of Italians at the table who had never had creamy risotto touch their lips.  I’m pretty sure it won’t be the last time!  We heard stories of Marc’s first impression of his soon to be in laws, and their impression of him!  We shared yummy bread from Bonaparte’s Bakery in Fells Point, Baltimore.  We kept the wine glasses full…and wrapped up the evening with fresh strawberries, pineapple, and homemade whipped cream.

Thayna’ showed us her photography portfolio (all photos used in this post were taken by Thanya Alves)…Ryan and Corey strummed a few tunes…Corban entertained the masses with his cute antics…beautiful pregnant Becca cracked us up with her witty comments…Nicole piped in and shared her culinary passions…Ryan proudly showed us Brittany’s t-shirt design…Marc and Brielle were beaming with fresh love and Terrill and Mike savored every moment.