Winter Porch Vignettes

This past week I have been changing over my porch from fall to winter.  Pulling together a front porch vignette for each season is something I love.  I usually choose a main over all color and theme.  This year for my winter porch vignette it was about a certain shade of blue, birch white, evergreen and primitive objects and fabrics.

“The power of finding beauty in the humblest things makes home happy and life lovely.” ~ Louisa May Alcott

Part of creating a charming and welcoming space is to gather a collection of beautiful things together to make up your decoration.  Small vignettes help illustrate the mood, expression and style you wish to convey this holiday season.  Whether it is a grouping of books, ornaments, or a gathering of objects.  A collection of beautiful things show the eye a brief scene that creates visual pleasure and feelings of happiness.  Several vignettes gathered together tell a story.  I think there are some tricks to doing it well, and I’m going to share them with you.

*  Common objects like bell jars, old windows, rusty old planters, burlap potato sacks can be gathered together and re-purposed in a beautiful way.

*  Follow nature as closely as you can.  Use plastic ornamentation sparingly if at all.  Opt for dried branches, real greenery, or paper before you feel tempted by something fake.

*  Mix and layer together items of different textures and heights and color shades.

*  Mix complimenting but not exactly the same objects together.  For instance I used long white feathers, linear white chair spokes, and branches to mimic the white birch logs that were my centerpiece in my urn.

*  Add the unexpected.  I added reused the branch art from my summer garden porch that said, “Dream”.  I also let my playful rooster stay.

“One must maintain a little bittle of summer, even in the middle of winter.” ~ Henry David Thoreau

*  After creating a display stand back and check it for balance.

All together my small vignettes on my porch work together as a whole.  The birch logs are repeated in the urns, and in the containers in three places.  My front door feather wreath is hinted to with the feathers placed within the greens.  There is a touch of burlap everywhere, as a container, as primitive flowers and as a container liner.

*  Remember layering creates interest and depth.

Your vignette can be a work in process too.  Receive the perfect Christmas card or photo?  Find an ornament you love?  Keep on layering!  The more the merrier with vignettes!  I know what I’m going to add next.  Twinkle lights.


  1. […] Inspiration for Dream Planter & Winter Porch Vignettes HERE. […]

  2. […] a little peek at my porch ~ you can see the whole thing HERE.  I’m thinking my neighbors are wondering why I’m so vain snapping pictures of myself […]