Archives for June 2012

Fancy Friday Link Up~Favorite Meal Memory

What is your favorite meal memory? Everyone has one. Maybe it was a meal shared with a friend who lives far away, or maybe the food flavors all came together and everything on the table was delicious, maybe it was just a moment where the conversation was a turning point in your life or your family was all together on a holiday.   We love to hear the stories. Link up your story today for our Fancy Friday Link Up and you will be entered to win a set of Upcycled Skateboard Salad Servers. Each set is handmade by an … [Read more...]

Smashed Grilled Potato Recipe & a LoveBomb

No, that's not a typo. It's meant to say Smashed not Mashed. There are some meals where the culinary stars line up and ingredients meld together to deliver a feast that's a gift to the giver as well as the recipient. This past weekend, Devon cooked up a meal that was too good to keep to ourselves. I haven't LoveBombed in a while. Life has been too crazy. But, this weekend, I was reminded how important it is to take time out to share a meal and a moment with someone. Devon cooked up amazing Espresso Romano Filet … [Read more...]

Vintage Fabric Garland

One of the things I've been working on for my son's Vintage Americana Graduation Parties is a vintage fabric garland. I found some old scraps of vintage, red, white, and blue fabric in my basement. I cut strips into 2" by 12" and tied them onto a piece of twine, pushing the pieces close together. I wanted it to look full and thick. I looked for fabrics with different textures but with the same color palette. Right now it's about 20 feet long. It has to be able to stand on it's own at the park pavilion and will be perfect … [Read more...]

Family Friendship

Art by my 5 year old...this was hanging in my living room...ready to greet Chris Ann and her family. Even though he hasn't seen their family in 2 years, somehow, even the youngest, has a sense of the bond between our families and the importance of the friendship.       Chris Ann and her entire family drove for two days to arrive just before my son's graduation party. There was no way they wouldn't be here. Our boys met when they were 6 months on a blanket at church. We realized over this past week, that it was a moment … [Read more...]

Creating Wonder in Your Home

Come on in! We felt welcomed immediately when we walked into the door at Su Casa Furniture, in Baltimore. As we wandered around, the signs spoke clearly... Chris Ann and I believe in seizing the day, savoring the moment and making the most of every memory. We do that by creating wonder in our homes. It's not only setting the mood with beautiful, comfortable furniture... but accessorizing with finds that inspire or reflect the things we love, like travel... reclaimed and upcycled furniture... and … [Read more...]

How to Stage a House-Living Room

In the last How to Stage a House post, I shared with you tips for setting the stage with good bones. You can read more HERE. I am going to walk you through the house and share with you tips for making each room inviting, starting with the Living Room. Dani wanted to use as much of her mom's furniture as she could in staging the house. Her budget was small, $400, and she didn't know where to start. The first thing I did, was go through the house to see all that was available. I took mental note of colors that were similar in … [Read more...]

Grilled Lemony Ginger Sweet Potatoes

I don't know about you, but we are always looking for a new way to prepare vegetables. We love to roast them, saute them, steam them and if you haven't noticed lately, GRILL them! Even though life this month has been off the hook busy, Devon and I still try to tag team a good dinner and avoid, at all costs, carry out. Sometimes, I'll get it started earlier in the day, or I'll pull out meat from the freezer and he'll get it started while I'm being the Transporter to my kids. Other times we work together in the kitchen to feed our … [Read more...]

The Sofa Has Landed!

It's here! We're giddy with excitement.  We were all home when the sofa arrived. Kyle and Rob, the delivery guys from Su Casa Furniture, were great! Not only were they nice and cheerful, but they actually called me about an hour before delivery to let me know they were running 15 minutes behind schedule. Have you ever had such communicative delivery?! I know I never have. Usually a company will give you a couple of hours, window of time. You have to sit and wait all morning, not knowing if they will even make it. I had a … [Read more...]

A Vintage Americana Outfit

I was out thrifting with Ashley from Our Daily Chocolate. She encouraged me to buy these: To be totally theme on at my son's Vintage Americana Graduation Party. They were $2.90. Then I found this red and white gingham blouse a few days later, for $3. Now, if I can add one of these denim capris to the number, I think I'll be in business.   A little punch of color...         Or for fun, I could add this and the look would take me all the way to the 4th of July. Now, I wonder what Chris Ann will be … [Read more...]

Cultivating a Coffee House Culture

Like most of you, we are busy wrapping up our school year. My oldest, Drama Boy, just graduated last Sunday from high school and this morning, my high school freshman, Baker Boy, had his final jury. My two oldest have had an amazing opportunity attending an arts high school here in Baltimore. Baker Boy is in the stage production tract at the school. So, this morning he had to pull together all of his best projects from this year and make a 10 minute presentation in front of all of his teachers. He had to share how he grew as an … [Read more...]