Velvet Plush Pumpkins are one of our signature finds in our LoveFeast Shop. These beauties are worthy of keeping out beyond the fall season because of the attention of quality in the hand-stitching, the sourcing of quality, artful stems and the lush softness of the fine quality velvet. All of our Holiday Pumpkins, including our regular sets of Velvet Plush Pumpkins are 15% off for the entire month of December. PROMO CODE: HOLIDAYPUMPKINS15 We pulled together 4 sets of Velvet Pumpkins that we think would look lovely … [Read more...]
Archives for December 2012
NEW! Holiday Velvet Plush Pumpkins
Gingersnaps with Crystallized Ginger

Some friends, we live vicariously through. Our next guest, Amy from Poor Girl Gourmet, is one such person. Oh what we wouldn't give to follow her around her garden and help feed her pigs. We'd love to sit at a table and talk to her about her cookbook, gleaning her tips for low budget gourmet meals, especially if that table was in Montepulciano, Italy where her and her husband host culinary tours. Yup, we want to be her! Please welcome Amy... When it comes to holiday baking, I’m more cake-baker and bread maker than cookie … [Read more...]
Traditional Christmas Cookies

Our next guest is one of the most joyful bloggers we know. Her blog, her writing, her life, exudes and spills over with pure, unadulterated joy. We hope to meet her in person one day. We just know she's the kind of person everyone needs in their life. She moved from the south and now lives life to the fullest on her island. She has two very important men in her life, her husband and her Doogan. She loves to wear flip flops year round, is enamored with the color pink and (even on her About Me page) is in love with sugar cookies … [Read more...]
Family Lifestyle Photography Tips

The truth is I made this photography sitting at the last minute just a few days before this shoot. The photographs from this post are not the finished products, by any means. Between my youngest son and myself we managed to capture some of the "behind the scenes" of our lifestyle photo shoot, while wrangling the dog, searching for the flung pink headband and wading through the knee high grass. Here are my tips for a Family Lifestyle Photography session that will be enjoyable for your family and will produce some great … [Read more...]
Gluten Free Citrus Sugar Cookies

Sabrina, from The Tomato Tart, is one super generous gal. She spends her life loving her friends, living life with her husband, creating, exploring and embracing the world around her! She is one of the first to jump in and put her talents and passions to use to bring awareness to the needs around her. In March 2011, she motivated others to raise over $8,ooo for those who were devastated in Japan through an online Bake Sale. We love having her at our table today. My dad was a cookie guy. If I close my eyes, I can see him … [Read more...]
Hermit Bars with Brown Sugar Icing and Candied Ginger

Kristin met Laura from LBs Good Spoon, at the Big Summer Potluck this past summer. She immediately hit it off! Laura and her little guy, Anderson and her husband, Benjamin were in tow and well, there was nothing about this family not to love! Laura's recipes are delicious and her site is total eye candy. And if you're looking for a good love story, Laura and Benjamin's starts HERE. We're so happy to introduce to you our friend, Laura. When it comes to cookies I chose spice over sugar every time. It's no wonder then that I … [Read more...]
Holiday Gift Guide for HIM

We don't know about you, but shopping for HIM can sometimes be difficult. Aside from the traditional ties and power tools, what do you get the men in your life? Having 5 boys in my family, I'm always on the hunt for something unique. So, based on the tastes in my house, I created a Holiday Gift Guide for the boys. For the Tech Guy: I found these iPad cases at a local handmade market and loved the texture of the waxed canvas. For the Musician: The musician in your life will feel righteous with this guitar strap … [Read more...]
Pecan Pie Bars

We have a new favorite spot where we go for food inspiration, Baked Bree. Every photo, recipe and story is creative and beautiful, just like the creator behind the blog, Bree Hester. We didn't realize when she agreed to be a guest at our table today, that she was also the co-editor of The Creative Mama. She's pretty much our kinda gal...she loves to cook, create and she's a mama to a three, very different kids. Please welcome her to our table today! Thank you so much for having me for this year’s Virtual Cookie Exchange! … [Read more...]
Mocha Shortbread with Dulce de Leche

We are so excited to kick off our 3rd Annual Cookie Exchange with our guest Elizabeth, from Asian in America. We can't tell you how grateful we are to have her join us. Elizabeth met some challenges while preparing her cookies. She lives on the East Coast and was hit by hurricane Sandy. She shares a bit of her story below. If you haven't joined us before for the Cookie Exchange, we're glad you're here! Link up your favorite Cookie Recipe below and this year, we have 12 giveaways going on over the next 12 days. So, stop in every … [Read more...]
Lime Wafer Recipe

Welcome to our Third Annual LoveFeast Cookie Exchange! We have been so honored over the years to have so many talented bakers share recipes and stories from their tables on ours here at LoveFeast Table! This year, besides having 12 awesome guest bloggers sharing a cookie recipe and a favorite holiday memory or story we are adding something special to the mix. Actually 12 something specials! Each of our guest bloggers will be giving away one of our new Recipe Journals from our LoveFeast Shop. Each of our Guests after sharing … [Read more...]